
Can't. Can't do it anymore.

If that guy next to MegYn (seriously? Y?) Kelly's face isn't that of Lucifer, well I'll just be damned.

On that note, anyone have any good doctors in the NY area that are great with PCOS? I haven't been in ages cause I don't have insurance, but I've gotta chalk up the cash and go sometime soon. Does anyone know if Planned Parenthood can help with that? I know you need a reproductive endocrinologist, but man specialists

That fetus was a person TWO WEEKS before the elephant and Republican even bumped uglies, you know

hahaha. I bet they'd be clamoring for elephant-human abortions then. "No guys, it's okay now cause it's only HALF human"

Say my name, say my name!

'Nuff said.

Oh no!!!! You're not broken!!! You're just you :) I'm sure you've got more than a few other areas that maybe are more stimulated by touch and make up for the clitoral indifference, that'd be pretty cool. The clit is an elusive creature to men anyway so you may not be missing much haha

This is hilarious, just yesterday I was watching Skins (the British version, season 4) and those little Brit teens draw that S everywhere! So I asked my little sister if kids did that when she was in grade school and she said yeah. Neither of us knew where it came from, just that everyone drew it, and I guess it still

I'm with you. I get where the other people defending the fact that her schedule is busy are coming from, however, it doesn't make up for the sheer stupidity of her comment. She (along with other reality stars) act like their lives are so fucking difficult. If you watch any kind of show like that, the Kardashians, any

Ughhhhh I hear you. The other day I saw a woman clipping both of her children's fingernails. But even that pales in comparison to my hatred of the geniuses who insist on entering the train before anyone has left it, as though the universal laws of physics and common sense don't apply to them. Not to mention the full

Dude, every single day right? If I ever murdered anyone, it would definitely be during my commute.

There's an organization in NYC called CityHarvest that basically "rescues" food that would otherwise be tossed from restaurants and makes it available to those who need it. I think the restaurants just have to partner up with the org, and CityHarvest sends trucks to pick up the food at the end of the day. It seems

I saw those Nick Kroll ads on the subway the other day and had to chuckle out loud. He's totally making fun of Dr. Zizmor, the infamous subway skin doctor. His ads are known for being ridiculously poorly designed.

$1,000!!!! Whoa!!! I thought the fines stopped at the price it would cost to replace the book. That's crazy. Unfortunately I have no idea where those books went, and I don't even live in the state anymore haha. One day when I have extra funds I'll send them a check

Haha that's awesome!

Seriously lol. All I could picture was someone just stomping on his face accidentally.

If you haven't seen Moon, I think you might like it

I present you all the candy.

Right! I honestly have just not returned to a city's library just because I was too shameful to bring back books that were in my apartment for years hahaha. I don't think Minneapolis will ever let me step foot in a public library again.