
There isn't, and nobody does lol. Even worse is that, even for popular books, a lot of the time there will only be a handful of digital copies in the entire city library system, whereas maybe they have dozens of copies of the print book. So when you're on a waitlist with 245 people for 5 copies of a book, at 2 weeks a

The way that the Brooklyn Public Library does is it is that you download a time-sensitive file for either 7 or 14 days. You can "check it back in" before your time is up, or it automatically runs out on the due date, which means the file basically renders itself unreadable.

It totally was, right? lol. I think they were gearing up to insult me for some reason, but alas it seems the world (wide web) will never know!

Oh I loved that one! I think in the context of all the others, you see that they're just poking benign fun at people in general, not being derogatory at all.

Not that it matters but I think this is actually a Roku ad.

None really, only have it once in a blue moon. Why?

Some gov program in NYC is running these ads on subways, it's an aerial view of the city with markers on it to show you how far you need to walk to burn off the calories of like a 20 oz soda. That did a pretty good job of putting things in perspective for me lol.

"The world's saddest ouroboros" LOL! Love it.

John Doggett rockin' facial hair. *do do do do DO do!*

iiiiiiiiii dunno, I think that honor might go to babies with glasses.

I really think we're just looking at it with rose colored lenses because it's culturally normative. At the root though it's the same thing - pain for "beauty". I myself feel like ear piercing is somehow "different", but I know side by side if you step back it isn't really that different.

What are you talking about? I simply said ear piercing seems acceptable, even to me, even though the core of it is really the same thing as Farrah waxing her kid's unibrow - inflicting pain on children for the sake of beauty. I was just considering why that double standard exists, not judging anyone. My family pierces

I cannot fathom how ANY parent, regardless of age, would inflict pain on their three year old child for the sake of beauty. And I hate how there are instances of the same thing being considered "normal", like ear piercing, that just seem intrinsically different even though they're really not.

I feel the same. I feel like in Elf she played herself but more subdued and that was so much radder than pushing this sort of "perky-eared, bright-eyed, precious little hyperactive mouse" persona she's got going on currently. BE MORE LIKE JOVIE.

Oh thanks :) love Arrested Development. And I totally agree, a few tiny little seemingly mundane instances of human -compassion- and politeness would go a longer way, to me, than buying coffee for a stranger. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that either. But more people are able to, and should, do little daily

Right? I'm taken aback when someone holds a fucking door for you these days, and even fewer people smile.

oh my god I love you. I've been trying to remember the name of those books for at least two years now.

Or -not- coming to, amirite? harhar, sorry i love corny puns

Ah man, all I was saying is that -some- parents nag their kids to ham it up before filming them and instantly posting to youtube to validate themselves. Some parents. At-home stage mom types. That's all.

Of course I have, and yeah they're gross at first. I made those faces just thinking about them lol. But I still think some parents who post vids of their kids to youtube are pep-talking them beforehand into hamming it up for the camera, which is what I was being negative about.