
Sure, hopefully most of them. But you just know there are some who are like "pose for my videoooooo". Call me cynical but I just see it all the time, the kid's trying to play with his friend or his toy or something and an iPhone camera-happy mom keeps stopping him every five seconds to make him fake beam at her so she

Call me a skeptic but I got a little annoyed cause I just know before they film this, some of the parents are going "okay Nicky you gotta act REALLY GROSSED OUT when you taste this, k? Like, it's gonna be gross, but PRETEND IT'S REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GROSS" just to get more hits on youtube. As if that means anything

HAHA yes!!!!!

Sexy. She can really give someone an organism.

And they ask you questions, about like, your INNER serious self, like such as if you want world peace or not.


They're -very- fashionable when you can work 'em, and I have a feeling you can. Go on with your bad self!

Step back for a minute next time before you put on your rant pants. Now obviously, as you have stated, you read nothing in the article except the headline. So you're completely missing the fact that these recaps of tabloids are a) Eliminating any desire of any of us to purchase them, therefor not "adding to the

My figure drawing instructor was out one week and our sub... what a creep. He booked two female models for the day and had them do poses together, putting their hands on each other, etc. (As a student) you could tell how uncomfortable they were and I wish one of them had said something (even though I understand why

Right? Those desserts don't even look good, I just can't take how adorable she'd look if there was like, a triple fudge sea salt brownie cake on that plate. mmmmm

lol that's better than I how I read it - ka-roosh.

Right! haha. I mean they could've done that with Belle or Ariel I think. They both had a bit of substance. But that substance meant nothing to the story really, they all fall into the same formula. Man loves woman cause she's pretty, pretty woman loves man because he's a man, pretty woman does nothing with her life

That's exactly it, it's just constantly reiterated that none of the OTHER (and more important) good qualities have any bearing on finding happiness, love, and being someone people want to be around.

I enjoyed this greatly

Tangentially related, but I'm always so pissed at movies aimed toward little girls cause the princess is always described as "Fairest in the land" or "most beautiful at the ball", etc, which is what makes her desirable and the prince instantly fall in love with her. She's never the fucking kindest or smartest! So when

hahahaha. the bigger the hair, the closer to aliens!

I watch it for his hair.

Not that I'm advocating any type of violence, BUT!!! If you're gonna pick a group of people to mass murder, who fucking chooses a group of little kids over these sick assholes? C'mon.

I really agree with you. I don't see what the rush is, especially in times where it's much easier to have kids a little bit later in life. And we live so damn long! "Til death do us part" used to be 50 years, now it's like 80 lol.

I think that's valid and halfway agree, but on the other hand you also have the "well, I too am an able-bodied adult, so why am I not letting men ahead of me", you know? I just think a lot of it is gray area, and it gets people in a tizzy when I really don't think most men hold doors/elevators/etc for women out of any