
I think you're good. If this was 200 years down the line so that society has had enough time to steadily make the genders truly equal, then it probably wouldn't even be a question. But for now, I mean, we grow up with certain things all around us that it gets kind of ingrained in you. For men, that the gentlemanly

Oh man that's pretty weird! But that would be understandable. But on the show, they're not walking from McMansion to city project, which is how they act hahaha.

Fuck man, I've got west coast envy for the first time!

Hahaha! Pretty sure being an idiot is a prerequisite for appearing on the show. And they NEVER EVER pick what the best option is! I watched a House Hunters / Renovation merger type thing the other day and they picked the place that was at the top of their budget, the smallest, and needed the most work, because they

No way, I love it. At this point I don't even wait for them to give me a reason to hate them, cause I know it's inevitably coming. So right from the get-go I start screaming obscenities over any little annoying thing they do, knowing it'll eventually culminate in them being an overall idiot, hahaha

Exactlyyyy. Or, "This is 5 minutes away from the neighborhood I wanted. That's a negative." At this point I just hatewatch HGTV lol.

I also love how everyone, especially people moving overseas, wants at least two additional and spacious guest rooms "for when people come stay". As if they're hosting Thanksgiving every damn weekend.

Her emotional age seems about 14 though sooooooo she probably doesn't even realize how creepy it seems.

These people need to turn on the Discovery channel every once in a while.

This study was centered around what individuals want in -their own- relationship. The article's title makes it seem like the students are saying it's not okay for other people either, which is untrue. I think it's great if women propose. But do I personally think I'd ever do it? No. The attitude in a lot of these

Strip tease? That's a huge stretch. She was forced to take her shirt and bra off, she was terrified but tried her best to remain calm, and immediately covered herself with her arms. There's nothing "strip tease" about that. There's no swanky music, no coy smiles, no hip swaying, no teasing. You're painting it

I can understand the hesitancy when it's non-medical. And I can uuuuunderstand but don't really agree with the rape/incest clause. I guess, medically it is a black and white issue, but with cases of rape and incest, and even with regard to this article, it just introduces a new argument. It's no longer just life and

Well, that's something that can be debated over and over, and I admit myself I don't think there's a distinct point at which that happens. But I also wonder; are you against all abortion? During any trimester, for any reason, even medical? The arguments it seems like you're making would negate any gray area. It seems

Consciousness really has nothing to do with it. You don't see the stark difference between an unformed grouping of cells and an infant?

We should smoke together.

You consistently make interesting, non-malicious comments, and every single time someone (or a group of someones) responds to you like you just said you'd murder their child if you could. I'm always like "What? Am I missing something? Are there Nazi-sympathizer undertones in his comments that I'm not catching?" lol

OOOOOOH fucking good for you, what a self-righteous busybody. Glad you knocked her off her high horse! I don't even know you and I'm so proud you put that witch in her place :D

It's so true, is there anything grosser than thinking your lifeless body might be used by some creeper who didn't even ask your consent! lol

Is it just me or do they have the same face, minus the nose? Maybe that's it.

That outfit needs to go back from whence it came!