EUGH. If that's not a huge vote for cremation I don't know what is.
EUGH. If that's not a huge vote for cremation I don't know what is.
This is just completely awful, and I just want to add that I also think a large majority of women AND men just accept subconsciously that there is always going to be gender inequality, and so without even realizing it, they don't interpret such stories as shockers, and the smaller instances like the everyday offhanded…
He's so much more graceful than I am :( look at those poses!
I suppose he'll never go soft, eh? yuk yuk yuk.
"This does not bode well" hahaha
You are not, and the connotations of "blue" just drove it home lol.
People are just -the worst-. We are the worst thing to happen to this planet and the worst thing to happen to each other.
He was my first crush because of 3rd Rock and I think it's just carried over the trials of time into full-on swoon. I suspect it's the same for many early-twenties females, for what it's worth.
Unfortunately I'm sure that's the LAST concern of the people running these pageants and all they'll care about is how good an underdog story it'll be.
I have to agree. I haven't been cheated on but I kind of see it as a sort of respect thing. Like, I would just feel terrible for some reason to talk about someone else I was legitimately attracted to with a boyfriend cause I know how icky it feels to hear. It's great that most other jezzies are secure enough with…
Those are the kinds of questions I don't wanna answer.
My heart can't handle all this swoon <3
I'll have you know the amount of boxes of Funny Bones and Ring Dings I've purchased through the years far makes up for my lack of Twinkies buying! I held up my end of the bargain. ;)
Ewwww it's shinyyyy! Granted I've never had one, but that just looks horrifying, and I love those gross little debbie cosmic brownies!
I feel like even someone who does know about games often jumps to conclusions like that re: quality of games. For instance, the majority of games I play are like Heavy Rain, Assassin's Creed, LA Noire, just really story-heavy ones. But there's a whole subsect of dudebro gamers who are often the ones negating you as a…
I don't know about cutest, but little fat piglets' bottoms make me laugh every time.
True story. Yesterday I saw a corgi pooping and even then I was all SQUEEEEEE IT'S SO CUTE! That's power.
I was just thinking this very same thing last night!!!!! That's crazy. I was having an internal monologue about how if someone was assaulted by someone belonging to a specific race / having a certain aesthetic characteristic, etc., if it could really be considered wrong of them to associate that race/characteristic…
It's very common in ads from other countries. I'm a designer/art director and if you flip through the industry publications like Archive, many of the ads from all around the world have at least some English writing. I'm not sure but it just makes me think that these ads were made that way, not translated for an…