Ahh, Socrates would be proud! :)
No one I know who smokes gets behind a wheel. And I'm willing to put some money on the fact that many who do would also have no qualms about getting behind the wheel while under the influence of other things as well. Sigh if they only focused all this -wasted- (har har) energy from being up in arms over dumb shit to…
I vote to delegalize Reporting While On Fox.
I bet ZERO of these ignorant teenagers have come from a nonracist family. It's disgusting to think that any parent would raise their child in such a hate-fueled environment. Which is just the icing on the cake when you consider all the politicians who want to define marriage as being between a man and a woman, because…
Guys let's look at the positive. Maybe in ten years he'll have binders full of gay parents. SHAKES HEAD.
That's the thing too, maybe many women personally would not ever get an abortion but denying or trying to deny other women the right to is trying to control them. And I don't know if I just can't see the flip side of things, and I'm not saying they don't exist, but I just have never met / heard of a conservative woman…
So, so, so true. I most certainly was not alive to remember but when I talk about these issues to my parents they brush off my fears about a Romney win with nonchalance like "Roe V Wade will never be overturned" or "They'd never be able to outlaw abortion" etc. It's so scary that even people who are pro-choice think…
WOW! The ideals of these people are seriously skewed. Here I was thinking I lived in this country to PURSUE HAPPINESS. What the hell else separates us from a fucking pebble on the ground then?
Not to mention how many women aren't putting the two and two of his statement together. The question was about equality in the workplace regarding salary. His response was "I've hired women in the past". THAT IS NOT THE QUESTION, SIR.
Seeing the difference side by side like that is interesting, in regard to the facial wrinkles being eradicated. I now find that SO WEIRD! Facial expressions mean so much to human communication, I much prefer the original shots because of it. But I guess women are not meant to have emotions as long as they have a Fuck…
It's just impossible not to love him if you grew up on 3rd Rock from the Sun.
Virtually anyone can make the matches she does. Hot girl who I teach to be submissive, meet rich douche, badabing badaboom. Honestly, ALL she does is introduce "millionaires" to hot golddiggers and all parties delude themselves into believing it's love.
Just her being a psycho. Wine is apparently the blood of Christ after all!
She must be funny or something.
"She understands that there are things more important than a small percentage of her money" This is exactly it!!! Thank you. I could never succinctly articulate that when talking to Republicans about why a Romney vote baffles me in this election, and I'm going to use exactly that next time :) The amount of women (and…