
Another part of the social contract is we throw people out on the streets if they can’t pay another person every month. Your social contract is shit, bootlicker.

And yup, dude is already responding to random comments on this article.

Oh cool, he’s here now.


Yeach I'm with the moderator on this one. Turning the guy in was one thing, the self satisfied gloating is what makes it off-putting. 

Sounds like a problem for the giant corporation, not random internet narcs.

“I am now a pariah of that subreddit,” Adkins wrote in his initial email. “I get it, hype and excitement are at an all-time high. I’m just as excited as the next person, but I draw the line at theft. I was raised to believe that crime doesn’t pay. I had hoped our society, and so-called Bethesda fans could be held to

Lowest ratings and attendance NOW. It would take some serious analysis, which NASCAR can afford, but I’d wonder if that demographic is aging out. Australian Supercup, which we were introduced to in Chicago, and German DTM do big numbers on courses with turns. With the newfound American interest in F1, the next

The law has no teeth basically.

Apple can simply say, trade secret and not make iPhones repairable.

Essentially, Apple as it does business today fits within the law. In fact, the law benefits Apple because Apple Stores no longer carry the liability for a product they fuck up.

Also consoles don’t count as electronic

“Apple’s support for California’s Right to Repair Act demonstrates the power of the movement that has been building for years and the ability for industries to partner with us to make good policy the industry’s lobbying efforts to water down a bill to benefit screw over the people of California,”

Pretty on board with Mann’s assessment of Blackhat. The core plot is great and it has a villain’s plan that makes more sense than 99% of hacker movies. But the pacing is all over the place, the characterisation forgettable, and the climactic action sequence only works because of all the great ancillary shots and

OTOH I can totally picture those titles on the covers of old ‘80s sci-fi paperbacks and that actually makes me excited for this, somewhat. 

Wait, it’s August 2023 and we are having a presidential candidate debate NOW? Oh to have a European campaigning system that limits this stupidity to 6 or 8 weeks. As a Floridian, I can’t believe I have to pay for this fool’s perpetual electioneering.

Cynicism. The reason we care is because of cynicism. We all care about this is because the controversy is the only reason to care about it, and I suspect that Disney knows this all too well. They’re not getting anyone to talk about their remakes on the basis of quality; we all know they’re cheap, cynical cash-grabs.

I don’t understand why i’m supposed to get worked up about “review bombing” for corporations that spend millions on reputation management to buy reviews

We had lots of skins, heroes, and maps in the last Overwatch game.

To the end user, the sympathy can only go so far when you are asked to fork over $70 dollars for a game that could be broken, janky, and filled with in game purchase bullshit.

Your analogy is incorrect. It's like going to Walmart and blaming people making Walmart brand products for the products being crap. Sure, they don't run the place, but they help produce substandard items. So they do share some responsibility.

But they do share some responsibility in their parent company's decisions and in the product they're making. They're not blameless.

Nobody owes the Democrats their vote. Maybe if they want leftists to vote for them, the Democrats should offer something on their platform to appeal to the Left. Ralph Nader offered to drop out of the 2000 election if Al Gore adopted a certain amount of policies from Nader’s platform. Gore didn’t. Why should anyone on