
Worth pointing out that the phrase or variations of it have been used by Israelis of various political backgrounds, but especially the right-wing, and can be found in the founding charter of the Likud party. In those contexts it’s generally used to indicate that the land is Israel’s alone and to deny the possibility

No, the biggest problem is that whenever solutions are discussed on this issue, the Israeli government has been broadly coddled by the remnants of the Great Powers that set the board for the shitshow that is the entire Middle East to begin with. Israel is the number one recipient of foreign aid of the United States.

Right of Palestinian return is extremely unpopular in Israel, moreover, the Israeli government’s offers on the subject have boiled down to offering return to up to 100k Palestinians, with return to Israel, not any rights to their properties, and compensation for said property as well as compensation for all other

Friendly reminder that, 1, if every Palestinian civilian casualty of an Israeli bombing is a victim of being used as a human shield, then Israel must be fully aware of the practice by now and doesn’t care or seek any alternative; and 2, the use of human shields is also a practice of Israeli police and the IDF, and

I prefer Tommy Lee Jones.

Ehh, in my experience, you’ll find progressives and liberals also using woke and SJW as a sarcastic pejorative when describing a sanctimonious, unreasonable, often fair-weather leftist similar to the keyboard warrior or hashtag activist, and the performative version of leftism they might engage in. I think that use

It takes place around 9-10 years after the end of Rebels, as in Thrawn’s defeat, not the Rebels epilogue.

The social contract is more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules.

I think my favorite Woody Guthrie story is from the PBS American Masters documentary describing how he would get drunk, get cynical, and freak out his friends by changing lyrics around to be pro-wealth/capitalism, “Yes I want your millions mister/ and I’ll get that diamond ring”.

Nah, you’ve just watched one episode out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series.

Eh, beats watching the latest Marvel retread of the superhero origin story. Not by much, mind you.

Mods for the original game already handle 4k and mouselook, just a heads up if anyone wants to check it out on PC.

So what you’re saying is Snyder should do a Blood Bowl film, or the latest videogame adaptation: Konami’s Base Wars.

Maybe. The budget cuts and 3 episode a day scheduling is the reason Alan Davies gave years ago for Fry’s departure.

True, perhaps QI, by its nature of being a comedy panel show, had a more complicated/tiresome shooting process.

It’s the BBC, those brits sure love their austerity.

IIRC it was getting overworked from trying to cut costs by shooting something like 3 episodes per day, don’t know if any new information came out in the intervening years though.

It’s Biden’s problem, he’s the politician looking for the vote. If he wants the progressive vote, he should act more progressive and get that vote. It’s funny how this “you have to do the right thing, hold your nose, and vote” is never the approach when it comes to Democrats chasing after independents or left-leaning

And Democrats played their own role in getting us here in the last couple decades, and the lesser of two evils approach has contributed its fair share in that.

Pretty sure that’s Michelle Hurd speaking in the picture with Hargitay