
If .5-1% of all teens make a suicide attempt with no prior history, then that number would be 10-21000, if you use people aged 15-18 as the definition of teen. I don’t get where you’re coming up with 300-600, which would be 5-10% of the suicides in 2020.

It’s a lot in the sense that one is tragic, but the number of people aged 15-24 who committed suicide in 2020 was around 6000, so your .5-1% turns into about 30-60 people, which isn’t really that high. That’s ~30-60 out of ~6000 out of ~43,000,000 15-24-year-olds living in the U.S. in 2020.

It’s because antitrust regulation is administration dependent, and both Democrats and Republicans have basically been willfully asleep at the wheel for a good long time. Neither Disney-Fox nor AT&T-Time Warner, nor TMobile-Sprint should’ve been approved, from a healthy competition perspective, yet here we are. The

He was interviewed as part of PBS’ coverage of Dobbs back in June, where he discussed why he changed his views on abortion. Broadly-speaking, he realized that the society he lives in doesn’t support parents and their children once they’re born, and saw that the anti-abortion movement had shifted from a moral, Christian

As you pointed out, the United States engaged in chattel slavery for hundreds of years—I don’t find that a compelling reason to refrain from investigating, fighting, prosecuting, and punishing modern practitioners of slavery (e.g., human traffickers; ISIS re- the Yazidi; etc.)

Was the 9 year sentence outside of the sentencing guidelines/norms of the Russian Federation? Honestly asking.

Can I vote Monaco?

We have the global social mobility index from the World Economic Forum, as of 2020 Canada was 14th, the U.S. was 27th. The top 10 were Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, and Luxembourg. The next two were Germany and France.

Well, they could have the good directorial debut followed by the sophomoric directorial debut once they get around to making a crap movie.

If you lost the director, cinematographer, scriptwriter, and lead editor from a movie, for the sequel...

That’s what How to Read Donald Duck is about.

Remind me again how much Blizzard is making off of selling virtual gems to Diablo phone players?

Video game reporting is a form of trade journalism, though, Schreier might report more on the investigative and long-form version of that trade journalism, but news that a company is working on this or that project is newsworthy. The difference is that keeping quiet about upcoming releases and keeping developers

Technically correct is the best kind of correct, are you new at this or something?

It’s not that false. The Westboro Baptists protested funerals of dead soldiers and school shooting victims saying that it was a punishment from god for the U.S. being increasingly tolerant of homosexuals, including denouncing, where applicable, the dead and their living family members for being Catholics, which the

Hell, 20 states and DC allow first cousins to marry and it’s kind of an interesting breakdown, the majority is basically all of the east coast with a couple exceptions.

Because of course there’s a kith x bmw.

Plenty of people are playing BF for the large-scale CQB or less vehicle friendly city maps, which is why Karkand, Seine, Metro, Locker, White Pass, Zavod, Bazaar, and Dawnbreaker were so popular in the last couple decades of Battlefield releases and there were servers dedicated to running them 24/7, and probably might

Is a gift bag cheap? I mean, Derek Jeter handed out gift baskets.

Yes, I’m just wondering if there’s a sort of which came first scenario here, where developers modify mechanics to put their mark on a title, while at the same time developer compensation has been connected to review scores in the past, and reviewers have marked down sequels for not being innovative enough.