
Midterms aren’t a national referendum, and if most Americans everywhere really cared about abortion and guns to the extent that they’re presented as caring, Republicans wouldn’t already control a majority of state legislatures and a majority of state governorships. On top of that, not all issues are valued equally,

But we aren’t talking about anti-government anything, we’re talking about what a “well regulated militia” actually means within the context of the 2nd Amendment and if that can be used as language empowering the state to regulate firearms. And, really, it’s an Amendment to the Constitution, so if you buy into the

Since we’re discussing what “well regulated” means, you’d be looking for other uses of the term at the time the BoR was written. Article 1 section 8 clause 15 doesn’t include it, it does however include language for organizing, arming, and disciplining a militia. Article 1 section 8 clauses 3 and 5 do include the term

Except that while “well regulated” had a specific meaning in the 18th century different from that of regulation in the legal sense, “arms” didn’t, the definition of “arms” as armament was the same then as it is now, only the effectiveness of the arms is different, and there the framers didn’t specify that what they

Well regulated in the 1780s didn’t refer to legal regulation, but rather meant something like well-trained, or effective. The term comes up in other texts from around the time, referring to well regulated armies or militias, well regulated clocks, even a well regulated mind.

Lol the trial was not adjudicating whether the op ed was about Depp, it concerned whether the op ed was defamatory. Big difference!

I took your “worse” in the sense of impactful rather than qualitatively or thematically.

Without getting into an argument about how bad CoD’s messaging as a series is, do any of those games you’re thinking of have the reach and influence of the CoD franchise?

Maybe they understand that the only way you solve this problem is by taking the guns.

Russel T. Davies was also the exec and writer on Doctor Who, where he created Jack Harkness, a pansexual time traveling con-man, who was then spun off into his own show, Torchwood, running from 2006-2011. Just in case you want to check out other series with LGBTQ characters where their sexuality isn’t the core of the

The case generated an SNL bed-shitting sketch; the whole thing has turned Amber Heard into a punchline. Moreover, the case plus the recordings released in the last few years have called into question Heard’s credibility to the point that, at best (from his perspective), people are less willing to believe her, and, at

In the same article it mentions that he’s a co-sponsor of a bill that would provide funding to study racial health disparities, and the co-sponsor of a bill that would require Medicare and Medicaid recommend remotely monitoring health metrics like blood pressure and glucose levels, specifically to attempt to deal

Sorry, missed the reply, I agree, but this sort of cross-jurisdictional illegality will always be an issue, as, by the way, it’s been an issue outside of the firearm context. Magazines are cheap and ubiquitous, and even if a federal capacity limit could be passed, efforts at 3d printing magazines at this point are

Legislatures implemented or expanded a number of state assault weapons bans and magazine capacity limits. There has also been a significant adoption of red flag laws, including in states with more liberal gun control, though New York law enforcement didn’t see fit to avail themselves of that provision when the

Sandy Hook resulted in a number of state gun control laws being passed.

Andy Warhol?

Yes, that’s why I gave you their 2014 numbers as well. CNN’s financial numbers for 2021 aren’t readily available yet, but their 2021 viewership is still above 2014 levels when, again, they made 294 million in profit. It’s likely that even with factoring the entirety of their CNN+ investment in 2021 they’ll walk away

Slash and burn costs. At a high cost to run operation like a cable TV network this probably isn’t a viable pathway to sustainable profits

The first Horizon takes the open world concept and tries to make it more worthwhile. Its version of towers to open up the map is more dynamic, and it tells a good part of its story in epistolary form which encourages you to hunt down and read or listen to various documents or find various ruins or sites.

Life in Pieces, it was Modern Family with a somewhat darker sense of humor.