
Was about to mention this one, the allegation that it was staged and that people in the youtube aviation niche conspired to stage it for the views and the insurance payout has been going around for a while.

Subjective I know, but all the titles I’m interested in I already have on PS4 and PC, so two years in its value proposition is that the games I’ve already played will have somewhat better graphics. And on scalping, if they limit botting and make it one per customer then I have no issue with it.

#17 Resell it for a profit and wait until it gets a large enough catalog of games that it’s actually worth owning? No? Just me?

Couldn’t the Grinch hear the villagers’ cloying reveling from inside his home atop the mountain? Noise coming from the valley below and penetrating the walls oh his cave/home certainly sounds like a massive nuisance to me, nuisance in the legal sense, not the “oh, that’s just annoying” sense.

Wake up call? Like they’re not going to turn around and blame the left for their losses.

People like Sinema and Manchin aren’t budging because people like them are not harmed by Republicans coming to power. In the same way that Democrats losing the House won’t affect Pelosi’s seat or her almost-quarter-of-a-billion dollars. In the same way that #Resist and the Trump Presidency was a great fundraising

10 years. But limitations were removed in 2016 for crimes committed after Jan 1 2017, and crimes committed before Jan 1 2017 whose statute hadn’t run by that date, call it the Bill Cosby rule.

Agreed. So, uh, how ‘bout them Mets?

That’s one of something like four or five possible origins for the word, and its modern usage certainly includes its use as an innocuous racial epithet.

That seems quite likely, maybe places in the south kept the original class-based definition describing poor whites and that either gradually shifted to or acquired the further meaning of white supremacist or ideologically adjacent whites. My experience of the U.S. is based around the north and the coasts and,

Look, it’s “cracker”, whiteness in the West is so ubiquitous that the term doesn’t generally cause offense, but it’s ridiculously disingenuous to argue that if the term is used it’s somehow analogous to white supremacist, or nazi, or fascist when there are plenty of examples of it being used, humorously or otherwise,

Lol, jokes on them, by the time I’ll even make a dent in the gaming library it’ll probably be holidays 2022, let’s see what it’s selling for then.

*Monocle drop* You mean they’re not?!

And Unreal Tournament. And UT 2K3, 2K4. And Starsiege: Tribes. And Tribes 2. And Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (which was free), and Enemy Territory Quake Wars which wasn’t. And Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2142... and Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2, all of which were released until

Team Fortress 2 was $20, CS: GO was $15 when they released IIRC, and 2014 was still in the middle of general gamer antipathy to the concept of games as service and PC gaming issues with P2P matchmaking.

Right, but this is in the context of the Right using abortion as a cause to rally voters not a discussion of what reasoning the conservatives on the court will use for this case. So the idea that some of those three wouldn’t necessarily be on board is just more reason to keep voting Republican and replace more

I think for a subset of motivated Republican voters and politicians, personhood could easily be the goal, not that this case will turn on that concept.

It’s possible they’ll just limit abortion to 15 months as a “compromise,” then courts will be back at it when some of the trigger laws kick in or some other state limits it further, death by a thousand cuts style; keeping the issue alive and going for those who see fetal personhood as the goal.

Maybe it’ll finally galvanize liberal-leaning voters to recognize courts are political entities and vote accordingly, so yay for keeping wedge issues alive and well.

There was one poll last week that put him ahead of Abbott, polls being what they are though...