
Did you mean this to be a response to Merk?

Sure, but I think it could also be read as American society not treating minorities equally, and one of the causes of that disparate treatment happening to be a pretty glaring racial component, a component that continues to exist even in multi-racial minorities or otherwise oppressed groups like the LGBTQ community or

Like, what does he think life is like for black trans inmates?

Writing for The New Republic since June/July.

Is that in the podcast itself? Because according to the article the unnamed actor wasn’t yelled at, their character was yelled at or spoken angrily to by another character in a scene, and the director didn’t like that this interaction was ad-libbed.

Well, if the playbook’s been working why change it?

Here’s the thing: There’s no such thing as the rapture or anything like it under a different name in the bible.

Given the strategic implications, I’d say couldn’t, but that can cover all sorts of things, including ideological blindness. There’s also some interesting scholarship on whether or not Britain and France played up communist ties and threats to get the U.S. to go along with their foreign policies, which would include

Canada raised its age of consent from 14 to 16 in 2008, which also implemented a broader near-age exception by adding the less than five years difference for 14 and 15-year-olds and kept in place the then-existing exception for 12 and 13-year-olds engaging in sexual activity with partners less than two years older

This is a very late reply, sorry. You have to follow the money because it’s a war the U.S. basically paid for. France was pretty much bankrupt after WW2 and was siphoning Marshall Plan funds to wage the war and regain its empire. The U.S. knew this but didn’t stop it because it needed France to play along with its

Tacit is one way of looking at it, Truman announced financial support for France and the Associated States of Indochina at the same time he announced the start of the Korean War. By the time France was defeated in 54, the U.S. had spent around 2.6 billion dollars on Indochina (you can multiply that by about 11 for

Now playing

Reminds me of this from 2007 Top Gear and Volkner Mobil.

The administration slow walked it until the very last minute when it called on Congress to pass something, at which point the House covered its ass by saying sorry we’ve got vacation. Isn’t that the accurate read of the last seven days? After SCOTUS weighed in on the issue, what, a bit over a month ago?

Are you talking about 90's Mechwarrior? Cause Activision hasn’t developed or published a Battletech or Mechwarrior game since 96. The game rights are currently owned by Microsoft and licensed to a couple companies.

With so much entertainment vying for people’s free time, it’s pretty easy to ignore releases. You could play games every waking minute from now to the end of your days, still enjoy (if not objectively excellent, at least widely lauded) content, and not have to touch an Activision/Blizzard product. I could see people

but the thing I’m most flummoxed by is your argument regarding adverse inferences

If you say so, but a plain reading of the press release doesn’t support the view that it’s an unconditional irrevocable promise never to prosecute, either.

Who cares when it was?

The person who wrote the press release said it meant that!

I think it’s a much bigger stretch to read that press release as an unconditional promise to never prosecute Cosby under any circumstances than to read that sentence as indicating Castor reserved the right to revisit his decision to prosecute.