Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Well, they’re not mutually exclusive, but you may be right that it was more of an issue of entitlement.

Eh, you’re probably right. I didn’t put much thought into my response.

What they should really do is go back to glass.

Yeah. I think it’s kind of dumb and trashy (even for an Arby’s) to put up a paper sign like that when you can just deal with individual situations as they arise rather than displaying a passive-aggressive warning. But I certainly wouldn’t let it ruin my day. If they actually kick you out of Arby’s because your child

Others are stuck on the temperature for activating THC; I’m stuck on what it takes to jam a straw through a plastic bag that is floating in a cup without noticing. I’ve had straws give up at the cross-cut into the lid. How did this guy manage getting through the plastic without also blocking the straw and filling the

Some of them even go on to become private equity scum...

Yeah, at a completely open bar wedding, there are always going to be those choads who belly up to the bar and drain the stock of all of the good shit. That’s likely going to be Cousin Carol who is PISSED that she wasn’t asked to be a bridesmaid and the younger male guests sitting around her like vultures waiting for

Came to say this. There are always a few that can’t be trusted not to go too far with an entirely open bar, and some families need a bit of a check on the hard liquor. Open bar as to beer/wine/cider with cash bar as to the liquor is a perfectly acceptable compromise, imo. Aunt Carol can still have her standard two

Well, at least one guy didn’t.

No, no.  The question was literally The Answer.


1) Because “nothing” happened to make it newsworthy.

You will not trick me into defending Flacco. 

Where there’s a wheel there’s a whey.

He thinks the carpet pissers did this?

Now it's Teddy Bridgewine.

Grape Nuts start as a box of crumbs.

Find a way to reach out NOT in a negative public review. Negative reviews, i.e. Yelp or Google or what have you, stick around forever and can prematurely turn people away from a place that may turn into something great. Then it goes out of business and you’re stuck with Taco Bell. If they have a Facebook page, send

Confused and angered by their departure from the natural order, Humphrey was determined to see the Browns choke.

We rarely know everything behind a stranger’s situation. Maybe she had a death in the family and booked last-minute tickets to attend the funeral. Maybe another family member just called to say they’re suicidal or in desperate medical condition, and she dropped everything and booked the only seats she could grab.