Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

A bunch of anecdotes does not amount to data.

I prefer Cherokee Purples for my large slicing tomatoes, but Big Rainbows are excellent too. Haven’t had an Alisa Craig, at least to my knowledge. 

I have always heard them called hand grenades and it made some sense because of the squat shape, but this makes even more clear how they got that moniker. 

It’s not the pit itself but the seed inside that is mildly poisonous. You’d have to crack them open and ingest quite a few to be in any sort of danger. This sort of infusion would be unlikely to penetrate to the seed and so poses effectively zero risk.

I remember having a real “worlds colliding” moment between two stages of my adolescent self when Donkeylips showed up as a contestant on Singled Out.

Now it’s a game of “how much hops can we jam in the barrel and still get people to drink it”

We did the same with Ranier (Rahn-yay). 

Now playing

Some of the very best dunks I’ve ever seen were thrown down by Aaron Gordon in the 2016 Dunk Contest, which he lost to Zach Lavine:

Yes, stay away from drugs or they will make you . . . extraordinarily cheerful and ceaselessly grateful for life?

Agreed. I generally like Chris’s stuff and don’t dispute Durant’s overall cheesebuttitude, but this one “missed the mark,” as the professional corporate apologizers like to say.

Fucking Cousins, I believe.

This past winter I caught myself saying “you think we’re trying to heat the whole damn neighborhood?” when my kid left the door wide open. We don’t even live in a neighborhood. 

There’s a reason they are kept as guard/alarm animals. The farm across the road from me has a couple and any time a coyote gets near they make a racket like a dozen tom cats with their balls in a vice.

People are getting their hair cut a few times a month? That is insane to me, but maybe I just have slow-growing hair? I cut my hair roughly once a season.

I just watched it for the first time and was thoroughly unimpressed. And I really liked the one that came before it. It just seemed really disjointed, no real narrative arc, and the climax kinda seemed to come out of nowhere. I’m not a super Star Wars fan though (as evidenced by the fact that I just now got around to

For the super agro assholes, you can rest assured there are some daddy issues. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person more simultaneously stunned, hurt, and pissed than when, after accidentally lightly bumping into a guy at a bar who in turn yelled at me to “watch where you’re fucking going asshole,” I said, “Wow, your

“Easy there, boss”

Shoney’s is still alive and kicking in its home state of West Virginia. Haven’t been since I was young and my parents would take advantage of their kids eat free night, but it’s still around.

Many of Portland’s actual good restaurants have outposts at the airport, and for some reason they all made an agreement that they wouldn’t charge more at the airport than they would anywhere else.

As the second gull swoops in from your blindside and grabs your sandwich as you are making eye contact with the first: