Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

He (or his agent) has apparently come out and said this doesn’t change his desire to leave. So, relatively low I would say. 

That line is a reference to the fact that the Pelicans’ owners also own the Saints and that the football team is their real focus. They basically bought the Pelicans as a favor to the city so that the team wouldn’t move. They devote their attention and resources to the Saints, such that the Pelicans are treated like a

AD’s agent has said that this doesn’t change his desire to leave the team at all. Agree that would be a fun and devastating front court, though.

If he has taken endorsement money, he can’t. But, under the recent rule changes, the fact that he hired an agent wouldn’t prevent him from returning. Players could always return even if they had declared themselves eligible for the draft, but they couldn’t hire agents and had to decide to return prior to the draft.

Why wouldn’t they have given LA the number 1 or 2 pick, then? If they want AD to LA, makes the most sense to give them the best possible asset to accomplish that. I say “or 2" because the Lakers may not have been able to pass up drafting and keeping Zion even with AD on the table.

That’s before New Orleans was announced as the top pick, hence the “to be revealed” language about the top 4 picks in that graphic. His reaction after the reveal was far worse:

That’s Tyler Herro, from Kentucky, likely to get to picked in the 15-20 range. 

Yes, but the phrase “grilled cheese sandwich” is common in our lexicon and just refers to a grilled cheese, while “hot dog sandwich” conjures images of a bisected hot dog laid between two pieces of bread, i.e., something other than what we commonly call a hot dog. If a “hot dog sandwich” is distinct from a “hot dog,

So does this mean that the rationale for the hold on the release of the video as a public record has been obviated? Or will that wait for the state’s appeal period to pass? I recall you saying that simply because something is excluded as evidence in a criminal matter does not mean that it is no longer a public record.

Yup. It’s disappointing that this outcome would have been extremely less likely for a defendant without the wealth and power of Kraft, but it’s the proper outcome under the 4th Amendment.

Not a Spurs fan, but I’m pretty sure it’s been only half a decade since they were the best team in the league, i.e., when they dismantled the Heat in the 2014 NBA Finals.

Also, is he referring to humans as a subset of, like, mammals?

Not a bad strategy to just go ahead and make the apostrophe mistakes for the letter-writers in advance, because you know they’re coming regardless.

So schools should allow children to be picked up by just anybody? I’m 35 and my elementary school had a list of people who were allowed to pick me up. He’s not on the list, so wasn’t allowed to pick them up. This is not a new development.

A few years ago, ABI bought up Devil’s Backbone out of Virginia, who makes a wonderful Vienna lager. Distribution has been expanding rapidly since they were bought and it can now be had for about a buck a can if you get the 15-pack. It’s my go to easy-drinker. 

When I lived in Portland, OR for a few years, Two Hearted was the one beer that I longed for but couldn’t get. No shortage of fabulous brews out there, but sometimes I just really wanted a Two Hearted.

Red Chair is my favorite Deschutes offering. It’s been only a seasonal for a while now and has become hard to find in the east. Looking forward to the impending opening of their Virginia facility so I can get their beers fresher (and hopefully a more consistent selection beyond Obsidian, Black Butte, and Mirror Pond).

I agree that there is no reasonable fear of the ingredients in cooking spray and think that I earlier acknowledged that in my admission that the FDA is generally pretty effective in this realm. Our conversation had moved on from the food context by the point you joined. I also acknowledged that many industrial

You never know. These cases have a tendency to bounce around the legal system furlong periods of time.

I think we’re mostly in agreement. My point is that, in recognizing that we needn’t fear something just because it is a chemical with an unfamiliar name, we shouldn’t lose sight of or minimize the very real dangers presented by many widely-used chemicals. I don’t think you can dispute that more harm has been done to