Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

You are correct, but I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make in the context of this conversation. Treq and I agree that being scared of something just because it is a “chemical” with an unfamiliar name is stupid. My point is that we should not be blase and minimize the very real threat posed by industrial

You are correct that the FDA does a pretty decent job regulating things that are directly added to our food. But overall regulation of the chemical industry is horribly inadequate. America subscribes to the viewpoint that a chemical must be proven harmful before it can be restricted, as opposed to applying the

I’ve had that happen a time or two with obscure spices, but can’t recall a single instance with sauces/condiments. Vinegary or salty sauces (soy, Worchestershire, etc.) in particular last basically forever.

As a fellow fan of both mustard and hot sauces, I strongly recommend you seek out a good Bajan hot pepper sauce. It originates in Barbados, where they put it on basically everything. It’s a mustardy, vinegary, pepper sauce that has such a nice balance of heat and tang. Reminds me in some ways of a Carolina mustard BBQ 

A few well selected condiments allow you to keep with the simple staples for sustenance but add a bit of excitement so as not to veer too far into flavor monotony. Why not eat chicken, quinoa, and sauteed vegetables with a few good dashes of, for example, Bajan pepper sauce? Or just some good soy sauce? Having a few

A spicy soppressata is pretty fabulous.

the only sweet thing I ever want on pizza is caramelized onions

Tough, but fair, that you had to eliminate Gwen from this exercise after her ghastly showing in the sandwich draft last week..

Chemicals are fine.

That is a heartrending song. Gets me every time.

fucking the both sides chicken

Yup. There are a few places that small children should not be brought or should be removed as soon as they are a problem (bars, non-kids movies, white tablecloth restaurants, etc.). But for most social spaces, we just need to accept that dealing with small children is the price we pay to continue the human race and

“I’m in sales.”

Their success is based primarily on convenience, not quality. No need to go out of your way to try it. Though, if you’re in Oregon at least, you never have to go very far out of your way to find it.

Exactly. How is the simple, obvious answer here anything other than, “Politely ask him to stop”?

That’s pretty much the big chain coffee business these days. Desserts disguised as energy drinks.

2nd on the 7" Baggies. Versatile, comfortable, and durable.

2nd on the 7" Baggies. Versatile, comfortable, and durable.

Despite the relatively middling return they got, I think trading Butler when they did was the right move. He wasn’t going to stay long term and they weren’t going to be good enough in his remaining time for it to matter.

Also, one of the criteria in that query is “is active.” I’m not a BR expert, but I believe that limits it to people still in the league. 

Agree on regular deli ham, but good country ham should have a pretty strong aroma.