Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

I am powerless at a diner to choose another option if a Reuben is on the menu

I have a weird preference for cole slaw over sauerkraut. Apparently there’s a different name for that.

With battered fries? Sign me up.

Round 2: Pulled Pork/Chicken BBQ Sandwich

Gotcha. I love a good Cuban, so will have to try the medianoche if I come across it.

Excellent picks all around. (Sloppy Joe garnered a bit of side-eye from me, but otherwise I can’t argue.) But I need to stump for what would have been my first or second pick: the pulled pork sandwich. I personally go with pickles, red, onion, and spicy red vinegar sauce on a kaiser roll. But if you’re working with

They both involve roast pork, ham, mustard, swiss cheese and pickles, right? Is the difference just the bread? Or that the medianoche uses sweet pickles?

This is specifically about the rules.

I read just fine, asshole. Do you bring your water bottle in just to sit with it empty? Of course not. If your argument hinges on the difference between bringing a full outside water bottle vs. bringing an empty one and filling at the water fountain, it’s a stupid fucking argument. You’re bringing something in from

It’s a drink, is it not? And by bringing your own, you are depriving the theater of sales of a bottle of water, are you not? Seems like you are hypocritically creating your own exception to the “No Outside Food and Drink” rule.

Can you survive for two hours without stuffing your face?

Hopefully you presented it to the ticket-taker for inspection on your way in to ensure that it complied will all applicable rules and regulations.

I remember dropping an empty which loudly rolled down the theater during a particularly heavy scene of Fahrenheit 9/11. Not my proudest moment. (It was at the Wilma Theater, actually, with which I assume you’re familiar.)

Doubt that would work for moving violations, unless you have your camera rolling all of the time. Cops cannot write a ticket just based on someone’s complaint; they have to witness it or have proof. Could be good for parking violations that burden the community, e.g., double parked, blocking driveway, blocking fire

As others have said, “heirloom” doesn’t mean fancy (though some marketers have certainly used it as such). It means older varieties, which were primarily bred for flavor and texture, as opposed to modern varieties that were bred for uniformity in size, shape, and color and ability to survive shipping and storage. It

And the intro quotation mark is a close quote, not an open quote, to boot. Just fucked all around.

Wholefoods seems pretty decent, but Amazon warehouses go multiple steps beyond being just a not-fun place to work. Check out some of the good journalism that has been done on the subject, including by this website’s GMG siblings.

Update: I just found the article referenced and it is rosé sales, not total wine sales, reflected in that statistic.

wine sales increased 64 percent between 2016 and 2017 alone

Maybe? There are so many different delicious types of tomatoes out there, and I don’t see why choosing to enjoy them makes somebody a fart sniffer. No reason to limit ourselves to the small handful of varieties that our modern agro-chemical industry has bred to tolerate being picked unripe, shipped across the country,