Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Normally we get upset when big companies game the system/ just choose to ignore regulations that actually do exist.

The sports equivalent of drumming for Spinal Tap.

Not even two separate sentences within one tweet.

Not even two separate sentences within one tweet.

Not sure if you’re saying that just to be able to make the Jesus joke, but he definitely did not walk there to my eyes. Bounces the ball with his right foot just inside the 3-point arc. His gather step ends with his left foot down and then it’s right-left to the basket. What am I missing?

He’s not going to overpower and jump over guys.

Red Vines are always stale because no one buys them because they suck.

Red vines are ass. Twizzlers are pretty good. Starburst Fruit Twists were elite and it is an abomination that they are no longer available.

Particularly when followed by a slightly condescending sobriquet, like “buddy. If anyone ever says to you “Hey, nice ___, pal,” you can be pretty damn near certain it is not a genuine complement of your _____.

Your entire digestive tract is full of billions of bacteria (which you need to survive) all just pissing and shitting away, every second of your miserable, vinegar-less life.

You’re making the mistake of thinking that anyone in Florida gives two shits about basketball. My friend, they do not.

Good thing he held Howard to 30 last night or things could have gotten really out of hand.

If they explicitly call it “corn whiskey”, it doesn’t have to be barrel aged at all. All other whiskeys must spend some time in an oak barrel, as you said.

That’s because The Shop, for its celeb cast members and the heliocentric superstar it all orbits around, isn’t meant to provide real insight into the real experiences of the brandbots who appear on screen.

I chose to not have to deal with kids.

Other than being arguably repetitive, what is wrong with this review? How is it in any way snobby? He gives his opinion on all of the different aspects of the beer that one would pay attention to when doing a review. Do you just not like the idea of reviewing beer in general?

Accordion folders also work well. I have one for product manuals/warranties and another for important tax/insurance/property/medical/identity documents. Takes up much less room than a full filing cabinet.

Agreed. So many of them taste like a stout with a half shot of bourbon dropped in. There are some very good barrel-aged stouts out there, but they are far outnumbered by the bad ones.

With you 100%. I love imperial stouts. I love barrel-aged stouts that are done well. But it is much harder to make a good barrel-aged stout than a good non-barrel aged one. You not only have to start out by making a good stout, you then also have to do a good job of selecting the right kind of barrels, aging it for

I had no desire to be around beer snobs . . .