Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Strawberries are better than Raspberries, in non jam form, 100% of the time

I think the hate comes in when people get button-holed by a friend/loud stranger that yammers on about Simco Hops until your eyes glaze over and you feign a stroke to escape.

Nobody’s saying the world will end, just that it’s also ok for me to say “Raspberry Jam is better than Strawberry” and have a fake-hard position on the matter(because it’s fucking true).

Thanks for the fact check. I knew it was basically sugar and water and wrongly assumed the sugar cam from corn, as opposed to cane or beets.

No , but the packages appear to include a Capri Sun, so plenty of corn syrup.

I think you’re mostly right, but Foster is especially bad (and arrogant). I can’t recall the source but I remember reading that someone asked a substantial number of players about who was the worst official in the league and Foster won by a wide margin. And he was close with Donaghy (

With you 100%. If we were heading out on a hike and you told me beforehand you were going to bring sandwiches for lunch, but when we sat down for lunch you pulled out hot dogs, I (and all other reasonable people who exist in our culture) would say “What the fuck? I thought you said you were bringing sandwiches.” It’s


Yeah, he really needed at least one more patronizing feminine faux-endearment to tie the whole thing together.

What about his post leaves you baffled? He (or she) said that, in his calculation, the very real (again, to him) benefits of drinking on flights outweigh the minuscule chance that there is a crash and that his level of intoxication appreciably affects his likelihood of survival. You may, of course, reasonably disagree

You sound like all the women I’ve tried to date.

I don’t really have much to admit to except eating uncooked bacon, and cold spaghetti with catsup or honey.

I definitely eat off the softer raise edges of Smartees first and let them turn to powder in my mouth before chomping down on the harder inner circle.

I try to pry off each individual layer, whole. If I break one, it makes my Kit-Kat experience a little less enjoyable.

As I kid, I made “soup” out of every bowl of ice cream I ate. Just stirred it around until it was more like milkshake consistency before spooning it up. I liked it the best with orange sherbet.

They just missed the call, and they couldn’t correct it on review.

Or my favorite, “5/5 Arrived on time. Haven’t used it yet but it looks like normal motor oil.”

Seriously. Do they know that they don’t HAVE to respond to the questions? It is not a test.

If a tiny piece of glass chips off a cup, the server might not notice it and it can get served in another glass thus threatening to end up in a customer’s mouth/throat. Even if the server happens to notice the chip, that means you have to empty and clean out the entire ice chest.