Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Why is it always the parents with the worst-behaved kids who tip the least?

Thanks for sharing this recipe. What temp do you put the InstaPot on for the pressure cooking segment? High, I am guessing?

Your reply does nothing to dispel my initial impression.

My cynical guess would be that the private concessionaires have successfully lobbied to keep the parks open to keep their revenue streams flowing.

A friend who worked at Yellowstone was asked by a man gazing upon a group of big horn sheep by the side of the road, “So, whatdya feed those things?” Friend had to explain that the park was not a fucking zoo and that those were, in fact, wild animals.
On one hand, I’m happy for anyone to get out and experience nature

As a completely neutral observer, my opinion is that you are in fact the douche here. Not commenting on the substantive merits of the underlying argument, just saying that you seem like a dick.

Extra points for the realistic misspelling in the headline.

But if he tells Boston he plans to sign with the Lakers after next year regardless, Ainge may not be willing to let go of those assets for a 1-year rental.


Seems obvious to me that LeBron (1) is a good person and a good parent, and (2) has no qualms trading on that fact in service of his image and related business deals that profit off that image. For me, number 2 detracts from number 1, but only slightly.

It says at least as much, if not more, about the way Trump has cratered the standards of the Presidency.

(hypochondriac guy on Scrubs)

I wish college refs would get over their love affair with the charge call. I swear they call so many just because they think they look cool doing the pointing motion.

You know Oubre was doing backflips getting out of there.

I believe the husband replied above and said the cost of the whole dish, to serve 20-25, was under $300 so right about the per person cost as the kit you mention.

Yup. It’s not terrible, but for the price you’d be much better off getting a bottle of, say, Eagle Rare (if you prefer bourbon) or Paddy (if you’re more of an Irish whiskey person).

Yup. Not quite as sure of it here, but that high low game was obviously a stunt and it worked like hell for that advertiser.

I honestly know like one or two people who fit that description and they’re great folks. They also mostly support the Dems, who these days most closely resemble Bush I-era Republicans in terms of economic policy. Most true “conservatives” I know, as in Eisenhower economic conservatives,  abandoned the Republican party

Is this article not explicitly saying that a handful of Dems are refusing to support a policy that is broadly good for and desired by the public because of campaign contributions they have taken from opponents of that policy? How is this disregarding Dems’ corruption? Like, the whole point of the article is to point

I define conservatives by the policy positions that they support. Many of those policies are hateful, discriminatory, and harmful to the majority of our country’s residents. So I ascribe those values to their supporters. How else am I to do it?