Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Why would you assume that the numeral 2 would be the phonetic replacement for “to” but not “too”? The relationship is how the words sound, and “two” sounds no more like “to” than it does “too.” The context of the surrounding words makes clear that “2” is meant to replace “too.” If you’re going to be a jerk, at least

Aha. Your point number 2 clears it up. Thanks.

Why call this dude a goober? Seems like he was genuinely overcome with excitement and tried to take advantage of the moment to get some high fives from the players. He didn’t get sour at all when the coach shooed him away, just went right on celebrating.

I’m pretty sure that big t-shirt wasn’t his, but was given him to wear for the shot. It says “big shot jackpot” on the back and the logo of Aria, the company that sponsors the promotion, on the front. They probably purposefully gave him a larger size so that it would fit over the clothes he was wearing. So maybe we

It wasn’t just “pundits.” It was the majority of professional basketball talent evaluators.

It’s already happening in basketball.

I wouldn’t say he’s evil, but hoarding a billion dollars is absolutely, inherently immoral. When so many want for so much, how could it not be?

I grasp only at the truth. If you told someone you were bringing sandwiches to a picnic and showed up with hot dogs, 99% of people would ask you why you brought hot dogs instead of sandwiches. And would think you an absolute tool if you said that you did in fact bring sandwiches. This is because, as I said, a hot dog

A hot dog is a sandwich the same way that tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini are fruits. That is, only technically, not as commonly understood.

Why does he feel it’s his responsibility to convince the fans they are wrong? He wants off this team and will have his wish granted eventually. Until that happens, just don’t be a dick.

Butler in this situation is the epitome of “you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole.” Even if he’s right, the way he’s going about it is obviously wrong and not helping his team.

When Jimmy was healthy last year, they were on pace to be the three seed in the West. This whole Butler trade thing is obviously a fiasco and they look like an incompetent organization, but criticizing them for being shitty at basketball with the players they have seems off base to me.

There’s a difference between castration and neutering in dogs? I believe the terms synonymously refer to the removal of the testes. Castration does not involve penectomy, if that’s what you mean by “lost his spigot.”

I’ve had the most success with wrapping first in wax paper and then foil. Will keep for months that way.

This is exactly what I was thinking. The Target employees had a bunch of recently expired, still totally edible pizzas and they’re getting the Little Caesars’ folks to cook them.

You will not go wrong with any Michter’s product, if you can afford it.

That’s just not true. I’ve been in numerous gas stations recently that did not have a changing table in the men’s but did in the women’s.

I do this one, until at some point I am able to fly. After shooting super high, like into the stars, I then lose the ability to fly and plummet back to the earth. I get real scared for a second, then always reassure myself that I can just roll with it on impact and I’ll be fine. I then do, and I am indeed fine. I have

Doubt it. That’s much worse than last year’s Cavs roster, who finished 4th in the East. And PHI, MIL, and TOR should all be better this year. So my guess is they’d finish 5th, behind those teams and BOS.