Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Yeah. It’s almost like he’s speaking from a place a near-complete ignorance about craft beer.

I disagree. His characterization of craft beer makes pretty clear that he hasn’t tried the multitude of widely available craft beers that are similar to the Buds of the world in style, but exponentially tastier. Craft beer critics pretend that 90% of craft beers are imperial IPAs and fruited sours, which is just not tr

If you just stick to styles that are similar to macros (lager, pilsner, kolsch, gold, blonde, etc.), you’re very likely to get a beer you will enjoy significantly more than the Old German. Now, will it be worth paying twice what the Old German costs? That’s up to the individual.

Didn’t you read the report? That was entirely Miss Jackson’s fault for having a sexy nipple, not Timberlake’s for exposing it.

Are you a relative newcomer to the outdoors with a heretofore sentient lifestyle?

Not a Philly fan and I can’t say whether it was “worth” all the losing (it was easy for me to ignore them during Hinkie’s tenure, pretty much just as I had since AI left), but the Sixers obviously had a successful rebuild. I’d much rather have their roster than that of Phoenix, Orlando, Sacramento, the New York

Agree Hinkie drafted too many bigs, but I don’t think anybody who’s watched Noel play would call him “lumbering.” Despite being kind of a dipshit and not really improving his game while in the league, that dude is one of the quickest men at his height I have ever seen. That’s kind of his whole thing.

No way, buddy. Us Tomsula acolytes, just like the man himself, all know that toilet paper is a scam. Now if you’re famished and really in a pinch, you can take a chapter of the book, a handful of that round kind of grass that tastes like onions, a healthy slab of old shoe leather, and a couple of robin eggs (swallow

She looked pretty rattled in the fourth quarter of game 4 against the Mercury. But agree that she has been fantastic overall and dominated this series.

The first one was bad. This one is good.

Guess what can help people get off drugs? Money! Being in a stable financial situation where you are not constantly stressed about housing, food, healthcare, etc. goes a long way towards getting people in the mental state necessary to truly battle their addictions. Two very common misconceptions about addictions at

He seems shaken by the whole experience of going through the New York grinder.

Pretty sure it’s sarcasm, as in the author is not actually surprised.

drafting a high school kid has a 95% chance of failure

There’s no certainty that Knox will be good, but to say there is zero evidence that he will be good and literally no way of knowing is pretty dumb. Like, what do you think NBA scouts evaluate? They evaluate evidence, using methods that are admittedly far from perfect imperfect, but they generally do a pretty good job.

Another factor to consider is declining rural populations of young people leading schools that formerly supported 11-man teams to drop to 7-man, etc. I know this recently happened in my wife’s hometown. Not a huge factor, and I’m glad less people are playing football generally, but something to consider.

His clients were the players. I don’t think this violates any confidence he had with them relative to the scope of his representation (defending sexual assault charges). He was talking about the general atmosphere of the program, nothing specific about his clients, the students. A reasonable person could disagree, but

Stopped reading at “correct.”

Zach Lowe discussed this on a recent podcast with Spurs beat writer Michael Wright. Seems like the relationship with Kawhi may have got him in the door, but this guy is a legit talented coach.

It’s actually worse than “apologies to those I offended.” That actually takes some responsibility and acknowledges that your actions hurt people. No, they always say, “apologies if I offended anyone,” as if they don’t see their behavior as offensive but recognize that maybe somebody out there possibly could, so they