Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

He’ll probably have to beg them to take him back.

That’s what it looks like to me. Flip-shades flipped up.


That would not be proper usage. In that example, you’re using it as an as an adjective, when it’s an adverb, basically a more emphatic substitute for “very. A presentation wouldn’t just be “hella”; it’d be “hella dope.” At least that’s been the case in my experience.

Absolutely freshness impacts the flavor (and other qualities) of beer. Beer is probably the alcoholic drink where freshness matters most (as opposed to spirits and most wines). Some styles of beer (particularly high alcohol ones such as barleywines, some of the heavier Belgians, and many imperial IPAs and stouts) age

I’m pretty sure that’s false, that is, they only have one recipe for the Draught taht they use for both domestic and export production. I’d say the Guinness Draught served in the US is pretty dang light, as far as stouts go.

I’m pretty sure that’s false. They export the same stuff they serve in Ireland, it’s just fresher there and probably people enjoy it more there because they’re in Ireland.

Couldn’t agree more. That crisp mouthfeel is an essential aspect of IPAs for me.

It’s pretty common to teach a few signs to kids before they are able to speak. Their mental ability and motor skills often come before their vocalization skills. My kid had the signs for “milk,” “more,” and “please” before he could say the words.

Great article, but you’re going to have to clear something up: Does your daughter’s preschool class really have a fricking Komodo Dragon?!?! If so, that does not seem, like, at all safe and I’d really recommend you take her elsewhere. ;-)

As others have mentioned above, you can also just strain it over another pot or large measuring cup.

I find the four cup to be the most useful. It’s the one that just ends up staying out on y counter all the time.

Sydney is a world class city and Louisville can’t really compare, to be sure. But Louisville is a great mid-sized city with vibrant art, music, and food scenes and low cost-of-living. 

I agree with you to an extent. The others are cynical tools, or worse; SAS is just really annoying. I hate listening to him, but I don’t hate him, if that makes sense.

Is it really worth restricting your life (and appearing to many people to be a crazy person) like this to avoid the occasional illness? I am no pig, but I happily eat at at restaurants and friends’ houses unless I know them to be filthy and I don’t think I’m sick more than the average person. Seems to me like an awful

Bogdonavic was really good for them this year. And he was not close to the prospect that Doncic is. He was playing well in Euroleague at like age 24, not 19 like Doncic.

Is that the one that looks like this?:

Yup. But they would have had to pay the tax this year and MJ et al. simply refuse to do that. So, they absorb more money/less cap flexibility long-term in exchange for minimal (I think I read like $11M) tax relief this year and two seconds. Not the move of a franchise committed to building for maximum future success.

It’s actually in Virginia.

It’s actually in Virginia.