Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Not to mention, it’s really sole-sucking work.

Or, you could buy, like, actual good szechaun sauce and eat that instead.

Looks more like a war prisoner to me with that scruff.

If only Teodosic was even a run of the mill bad defender, as opposed to “maybe worst in the league at his position” bad defender, I’d agree. Clippers games are gonna be fun when he’s in, though, because both teams will likely be scoring rapidly.

This right here pretty much sums up the proper response to every NCAA issue.

This is actually 100% accurate. SU cheated specifically for basketball players in a direct effort to keep them eligible, thus clearly violating NCAA rules. On the otherhand, UNC (at least based on the evidence the NCAA was able to obtain) had an entire fraudulent department that just so happened to be highly, but not

No, they can’t. Which is why it’s a meaningless punishment.

Nah. He looks like he’s a little old for that trend. Definitely more in the Tyler and Bryce generation, likely a little young for Todd.

I wasn’t previously familiar, but it seems like a good website promoting mindfulness in child rearing. Why is it surprising to you that such a thing would change the course of someone’s parenting? Do you think the techniques advocated are not worthwhile? Or that everyone should already have these tools? Seems like a

I think you might be a little overoptimistic there. No matter how outrageous the act, I think at least 50% of his voters will stand by their Orange Jesus.

Yo, what they’re not telling you is you can actually wear the jacket with different pants, like jeans or some shit, for a whole new, super-cool look. Big Suit always suppressing information to keep the sheep in line.

Interesting. I grew up in Louisville and I only heard it used in reference to folks from across the river, never as a more generic insult. But as I implied earlier, among us proud, cosmopolitan Louisvillians, calling someone a hoosier was basically the same as calling them a redneck.

It’s a blessing and a curse.

Do you have issues with it fading? I’ve always heard that tattoos on places where there isn’t much fat don’t last long. My cousin’s barely visible anymore giraffe on her big toe bears this out.

One of these comments is not like the others.

I didn’t realize the Falcons logo was supposed to be an F until this very instant. And here I’ve been reading through these comments considering myself superior to all of these poor, visually-challenged souls. Nope.

Just a nice landscape. You don’t see the forest, stream, moon, and star?

It’s an amalgamation. Just as you’ll never find a cougar with a neck like that, you’ll never find a bear with a lower jaw like that. I think “generic predator” is pretty accurate.

Eh . . .

A two-seater couch is known as a “loveseat” where I come from. Is that term not universal?