Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

There it is. Thanks.

I can’t remember who it was for, but I got quite a kick out of Pop listing one of his players as “DNP - Various Maladies.”

I know of ice-water bong hits, but have never heard of a hot water bong hit. Are there supposed advantages? If I recall the bullshit spewed by my buddies in high school, cooling the smoke was supposed make it milder and allow you to inhale and hold more easily, thus getting more stoned. Wouldn’t hot water defeat this?

Still very weird to me that Texas qualifies as SEC country.

I said this above, but I think it’s gotta be somebody like Gillian Welch that has a fan base where the DIY, old-timey skills crowd is highly represented (lots of folks who know how garden without chemicals, spin fiber and sew clothes, brew hard cider, etc.) and has a workable female/male ratio. Ideally you might want

11 mph is not going to cut it. 60 minutes divided by 11 puts you at about 5:27/mile, much slower than the pro foot racer. Gonna need to sustain close to 15 mph to beat him, which is insane when I think about how that is a decent pace for a not exactly leisurely bike ride.

I can support having a cash liquor bar (keeps certain folks from getting too far gone and saves the host significant scratch) and free beer and wine, but a wedding with a full cash bar is fucking blasphemous. The very worst is if they do not tell you beforehand that it will be a cash bar so you come unprepared without

If I’m being dropped into the stone age, I want a fan base that includes a good number of folks into old-timey skills(making shit out of wood with primitive tools, organic gardening, etc.) and not too aggressive so we don’t end up warring against each other. I’m think Gillian Welch would check those boxes and would

I know he said he went to university in Ontario, but is it really necessary to insert hockey into every conversation with a Canadian? He’s obviously more of a baseball fan.

I’ve always heard them referred to as “drummies.” Drumsticks are the equivalent part of the thigh, or a delectable ice cream treat.

Also, wings are good because they are fried and covered in spicy, buttery goodness.

Your premise is flawed. As someone who take more pees outside than inside while at home, I can speak to the increased pleasure/satisfaction of performing tasks outdoors vs. indoors. For many of us, it’s very much not the same thing. I get far more satisfaction cooking a chicken breast on my gas grill while looking out

Or because you really like the new company’s employees and its culture and think it will be much more enjoyable than working primarily with a partner who, while incredibly good at parts of his job, just doesn’t fit your work style.

I’d’ve gone with __s, Tom, but agree with the sentiment all the same.

I’ve never heard of elderberries being used to make kombucha. I’ve made kombucha numerous times and have never used elderberries. I know many people who make kombucha, including a person who started a now very successful kombucha business, and have never known them to use elderberries to make kombucha. The wiki page

If made correctly, almost all of the sugar should be converted through he fermentation process. So, properly made kombucha is loaded with sugar in the same way that beer or wine is loaded with sugar. I’m not familiar enough with commercially-available kombucha drinks to know if they add a bunch of sugar after

What do you know about kombucha that I don’t? Are said berries necessary for creating the “mother”?