Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

I prefer Heavy Seas’ offering, but Smuttynose isn’t bad.

Move to Portland. Very mild winter but there’s always snow to be had less than an hour away on Mt Hood. Or somewhere like Bishop, CA where you can ski huge powder at Mammoth Mtn in the morning and rock climb in 7o degree weather in the afternoon. Basically any mild climate with close access to high elevations will do.

Mmmm, I believe you’re thinking of lacrosse.

Sometimes I think the NFL actively tries to abuse the Commissioner’s power such that placing limits on that power will be one of the NFLPA’s big asks in CBA negotiations. The owners would much rather give up that chip than budge on the one issue they really care about, i.e., how much money goes to owners vs. players.

Hate to be the one to break it to you, but the Falcons are never going back to the Super Bowl

That is a heartbreaking picture.

Yeah, this article seems a little under-reported.

Well, we all know that if it was reported by Paul Pierce, it must be The Truth.

But it doesn’t seem to be a lack of interest in over-the-hill players that is stalling the league. It’s not like they’re holding games and people aren’t showing up because the product is shitty. They just can’t pull together the teams or successfully organize a game, despite many people who have invested in the league

Hopefully Louis CK IS a sex pest, and no unpleasantness will ensue!

So Nazis, the anti-capitalist, socialist (it’s in the name) group that wants to grow the size of government to a point where they can outlaw/imprison/kill a large percentage of the population. Those are the conservatives?

Can’t tell if your serious. If so, you’re wrong. Its not the visible light that harms your eyes but the UV. When looking at an eclipse, your eyes do not contract the way they do when you look at the unobstructed sun, so you get much more damaging UV exposure. It almost certainly won’t make you blind but there is

I am personally committed to non-violent resistance to hatred in all of its forms. I believe that if we allow others’ hatred to breed hatred in our own hearts, we will not be better for it in the long run. In my opinion, dividing the world into friends and enemies is not a winning tactic. I feel these deranged

I am personally committed to non-violent resistance to hatred in all of its forms. I believe that if we allow others’ hatred to breed hatred in our own hearts, we will not be better for it in the long run. In my opinion, dividing the world into friends and enemies is not a winning tactic. I feel these deranged

What, you’ve never seen these?

OK. Your definition of journalism is just narrower than mine. I would call what you are referring to as “reporting” and I agree that most of what is on these sites is not strictly “reporting,” though they do occasionally break stories.

It’s way up there, but I’ll take the similar Chubby Hubby. No idea which came first or if one ripped off the other, but those little salty pretzel bits in Chubby Hubby (the main difference, besides the peanut butter swirl and use of malt ice cream in CH) just really do it for me.

I’d say that’s pretty accurate. The Gawker group of blogs does not seem to be primarily focused on “straight reporting” (although they do occasionally do some excellent work in that vein, such as Diana Moskowitz’s coverage of the Baylor scandal). I share their worldview most of the time, but their coverage is largely