Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

If you’re just wearing them around the house or to a football game or whatever, cotton is just fine. But if there’s any chance they get wet (including sweaty) and you’re going to be exposed to the elements, you need wool/synthetic. There are many perfectly functional options (Terramar, Duofold) you could get for ~$30

This is not what happened. I think you may be confusing “snowflake,” which the radical right has for several years now been using to denigrate “liberals” who point out/complain about language they see as harmful, with “deplorables,” which came about during the Trump election after Clinton used the term when describing

Many legit criticisms here, but I don’t think yours is one of them. I believe the “key” includes the free throw circle. It in fact got its name from early in the game when the lane was much narrower, such that the free throw circle and skinnier lane together resembled an old keyhole. Hence the “top of the key” being

Or Daffy, perhaps.

I take it you’ve never accidentally stepped into a nest of biting insects. Over the course of my life, I have managed to tromp through the trifecta of fire ants, chiggers, and seed ticks. I’d sooner wash my hair with canine fucking diarrhea than repeat any of those mishaps. And stepping in gum takes a rear-facing

My favorite at the local parlor is a prosciutto pesto pie topped with a fresh arugula salad (basically arugula and shaved parm in a sweet balsamic dressing) after it comes out of the oven. The arugula gets just slightly wilted and the dressing gets a little bit runny and infuses the rest of the slice. Magnifique!

A salad with mustard dressing, basically. Not bad.

They maintain that the drivers are not employees, but independent contractors who use their app to find customers, such that they can’t really “fire” a driver but just prevent him from using their app. This allows them to not provide things such as healthcare, overtime, sick leave, etc. (They lost this argument in a

I think he means that UNC Chapel Hill has/had fake classes, such that you could “attend” UNC but not actually “go to school.”

Your comment does nothing to make us hate Duke grads/fans less. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Sorry to be that guy, but unless Guerrero is hawking some sort of Rattlesnake liniment that I’m not aware of, he is not a “literal” snake-oil salesman. That word has a meaning. Your mistake does not leave me bemused and I refuse to stand by nonplussed as you flaunt the rules of grammar. It really begs the question,

“Excuse me, these seats are too hard. When it comes to seating, I prefer Mein Kampf-ortable.”

For real. Stare at that picture long enough and you can’t tell if it is a video game still or real life shot. The arm hair detail is the only thing that gives away that it’s a real picture. The generic bear/haircut and the facial shadows and forehead glare scream 2K.

This is a reasonable contract for an All-Defense type player. Yes, his offensive limitations are frustrating, but he certainly has value. I’m gonna go ahead and say Sam Presti knows what he’s doing more than random internet guy.

I usually just leave a buck or two on takeout, similar to how I would tip at a coffee shop or sandwich shop with a tip jar. I hope I’m not disappointing workers, because I generally consider myself a pretty good tipper.

Well, they’re getting Bradley now, so most likely won’t try to match on KCP no matter what.

Thanks for looking that up. I would say the “room considered private by reasonable expectations of privacy” might also be subject to strong challenge when the camera is in your own home but am not sure. Without knowing the facts, all we can do is speculate.

If you’re into tabbouleh, I assume you like kafta as well, no?

Except that many states do not have such clear cut right to privacy laws. I’m not sure what the state of the law on that subject is in NC. Even if she has a cause of action, the wife is still going to have to prove that the sharing of those videos (whatever they were) damaged her in some way. Without the complaint, we

I think you’re correct in terms of public places, i.e., putting a camera in the restroom of a bar without telling people would be illegal, but not so much in your own home.