Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

It’s pretty creepy, but I don’t think illegal, to put cameras in your own home, even if you don’t inform the other occupants of the house.

It’s often done in contracts so that neither side can come back later to argue that a number listed was a typo. It has been imported into other legal contexts for no good reason at all.

I think the original article included a typo/mistake, which you carried over to this article. There is no court called “U.S. Middle District Court.” I am almost certain that it should be the “U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.”

Cleveland is the 17th largest media market in the NBA. Miami is the 19th. San Antonio is the 27th. OKC is the 28th. Those teams account for 10 of the last 14 possible Finals appearances. Which is to say that well-run small market teams* can do just fine under the cap.

Look, man. I work fucking HARD to be the best Goofy I can possibly be and it has taken YEARS for me to get to where I am at. All I ask is for a little recognition. And for those little piss-smelling motherfuckers to stop pulling on my ears.

Remember that it is the team owners who have pushed for shorter contracts in the CBA. If the Jazz had been able to offer Hayward a 10-year max when he was an RFA in 2014, I bet he would have taken it and would still be on the team.

TD Garden, Schmeedee Garden just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Can’t skip Thirsty Thursday!

Can anyone less ignorant about baseball than me explain the rule on running through the bag at first? I know from playing little league that you can run through first base (and only first base; also home, I guess) and you are safe as long as you beat the throw. Does that “safe-ness” go away as you as you begin

I once cuts the heads off of enough strike-anywhere matches to fill a tennis ball. It makes a pretty incredible fireball upon impact, almost cool enough to justify the tediousness of the effort. Luckily, no injuries or property damage resulted.

I wouldn’t go that far, but an underrated move to be sure.

Thank God we’re paying Jeff Teague $19 million instead of $33 million
for Kyle Lowry’s brokedown ass, said a number of Wolves fans in 2020, quite possibly.

Boston actually got a ridiculous haul for him, given what we know now. They got the best player in the deal (Jae Crowder) on an incredible deal, a first, a second, a $12 million trade exception, and some other flotsam. Made out like bandits, they did.

Not even the most overrated player on his team. DeRozan has him by miles. To wit, I just commented on a kinja post asserting that DeRozan had legitimate beef with not being listed as one of the 14 best players in the league. Ha! Lowry is significantly better than DeRozan right now, though his decline is surely coming

No, but they might miss the 26 points on 12 shots he had in game 4. I don’t generally consider 43% high volume 3-point shooters who play competent defense to be “butt” and I don’t think I’m alone there.

I have no beef with Hinkie and think The Process has left Philly in a pretty dang good situation. However, I don’t think this signing is really evidence that the Sixers are any kind of free agency destination. No way Reddick gets close to $23 mil from another team and he only agreed to a one year deal. Give the young

Of those nine non-Griffin figures, four were killed by gunshot, two were given long prison sentences, one is widely viewed as a serial child molester, one is viewed as the literal incarnation of Satan by roughly 30% of the US population, and the other gave humans the ability to annihilate all intelligent life on

I don’t think it’s even that close. He and Durant are pretty close as far as offensive talents and Durant is worlds beyond Curry defensively. You’d be hard pressed to find any NBA executive who would take Curry over KD if they were starting a team from scratch.

Actually, without the union, there would not likely be any salary cap or draft. Those limitations on players’ rights to earn whatever they can get on the open market and play wherever they can get signed are only allowed because they are collectively bargained. I’m not at all saying that players would be overall

The difference is that Holiday held all of the leverage. If he left NO, the Pelicans could not have signed anyone nearly as good as him. (Teams can spend more to retain their own players than they can to bring in free agents, in most cases including this one.) He wouldn’t have gotten the same money anywhere. Teague