Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

I agree that swapping Rubio for Teague is a ‘meh’ move, but overall I’d say they had one of the best offseasons of any team. You are aware that they traded for Jimmy Butler, right? Depending on how you view the potential of Lavine and Dunn, that could potentially hurt them in the very long term, but they will

I agree on Wall and Giannis, but I’m pretty sure DeRozan’s beef is some weird adulterated Chinese stuff or that new lab-grown shit. What I’m saying is, no one in their right mind thinks DeRozan has a legit claim to being one of the 14 best players in the league. Not even that close, really. No way he makes top 30, and

More useful to me to organize them in accordance with how the All-Star voting works:

They already go 1-8 in the conferences. As of last year, I believe, division winner is relevant only for tie-breaker purposes (and even there it is behind head-to-head).

Aww, cheer up. You’ve got Jeff Teague now!

Yup, and make sure to put in a little bit of the pasta cooking water to get that perfect clingy texture to the sauce.I can’t express how much of a difference this technique has made in my enjoyment of pasta dishes (particularly red sauce).

Not shit talk, but I once drunkenly threw a haymaker, missed, and hit myself in the shoulder, knocking myself over. Last real punch I have thrown.

Look up “defensive architecture.” It’ a very widespread practice designed to make public spaces inhospitable to the homeless.

No need to feel dumb. I was just confused. And, thankfully, it’s almost the weekend. Hope you have a good one.

I don’t get it. My original comment said “usual,” not “unusual.” That is, I was trying to make clear that was not a normal feeling for me. Am I missing something? I like jokes and interactions, so please let me know if I am.

Thanks. I needed that.

Thought my compliment would mean more if I gave the full context, like when people tell me they normally hate cats but love my cat. That type of thing.

Not always a fan of your schtick, but this is fantastic.


While we’re bragging, I think my crowning achievement as an object of female desire was when an attractive girl asked for my number, I told her (truthfully) that I had a girlfriend, and then she returned a few minutes later, handed me a piece of paper with her number on it and said, “Just in case.” I felt like a big

Hate to go all 4H on you, but bulls are very rarely slaughtered for beef. Almost all of the beef you eat will be from females or castrated males. Still a good joke, though.

Better. Definitely better.

O’s has done a pretty good job providing evidence of the corruption of the Trump foundation. Would you like to provide evidence of equivalent corruption in the Clinton foundation?

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?