Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Oof. At least you’re not driving/in traffic that whole time.

It’s almost like there isn’t a universally superior lunch time, but rather different times that work better for different people based off of their particular circumstances and physiology.

Right there with you, my friend.

They’ve been handing out participation trophies for much longer than that, my friend. Only the bitching about it is new.

You have a 2-2.5 hour commute each way? That’s brutal, my friend.

It certainly does, if you don’t assign much importance to him being available for less than 40% of the season. Seems like most of the voters, however, did find that to be a pretty big knock against him. I think that’s reasonable. The greatest ability is availability, as they say. If Embiid had played even half the

Embiid certainly had the highest peaks and is the best player. A perfectly reasonable choice as well. But he played 31 games. If you prorate his stats to Brogdon’s 75 games, he averages about 8 points and 3 boards a contest. So I can also very much understand why the voters didn’t go for him. Pretty slim pickins all

I disagree that their production was equivalent. The most important difference between them was efficiency. Saric shot about 40% from the field and 30% from 3, both shitty numbers. Some would say it’s much easier to rack up counting stats (the only thing you seem to be focusing on) when playing for a bad team that

I think it was just tough to find anyone worthy. Brogdon played 75 games. If you prorate Embiid’s stats for that amount of games played, he comes out averaging just over 8 points and 3 boards a game. If he had stayed healthy for even 50 games, I think he’d be obvious ROY, but he didn’t. And Saric was total butt the

It was a weak field, no doubt.

Though I agree that a ROY candidate should not get a leg up because he is on a better team, I certainly don’t think the opposite should be true. Based on your statement, a ROY candidate gets a leg up by being on a shitty team where defenses can focus on him because his team lacks other good players. That doesn’t make

Please expound on this highly suspect statement. I could probably find many faults with today’s NBA, but pace of play is not one of them in my opinion. (Unless you are solely referring to the way the ends of games play out with all of the purposeful fouling and timeouts, which I agree needs to be addressed.)

I disagree. Kawhi is a better outside shooter than Russ and is a very good playmaker in his own right and actually involves his teammates and makes them better, unlike Russ’s (admittedly incredibly fucking impressive) one-man show. Also, the Thunder with Kawhi would be one of the top two defensive teams in the NBA. I

It’s less that people “don’t understand” what most valuable means, but rather that people have different definitions of the term, none of which are singularly correct. One way to look at value is how well you can carry a middling cast (Russ). Another is how well you can work with other top talent and help unlock their

See, also, Versailles, KY (“ver-sails”)


Well, if Goodell gives him the boot, they can always bring Josh SCOBY out of retirement to fill the roster spot.

Ibaka may be getting a little older, but is still a damn handsome man.

If he didn’t know anything, he did so willfully.