Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

I think Lopez is a solid player on a perfectly decent contract, so I disagree. But the near complete lack of significance of the question puts this one firmly in the “agree to disagree” category. Good chatting with you.

I have found Michael Pollan’s basic instructions to be pretty helpful: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” By “eat food” he means eat as much whole and minimally processed food as possible, things your great-grandparents would recognize as food, as opposed to, like, Gogurt. I’ve also found helpful the general

Eat them sometimes, not all the time. You’ll be fine.

Yeah, clearing cap space doesn’t do you much good when you fill it with a worse player on a more expensive deal that runs longer than the one you got rid of.

Certainly better than Noah, whom the Knicks signed to replace him (for four years and $72 million!). As much as it must suck to be a Bulls fan today, at least you can continue to look down on that shit show to the east.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure Markannen is a prototypical stretch four for 2009, not the modern NBA. Today’s game requires those players to be able to pass and dribble, two skills ole’ Lauri has not really demonstrated so far, not just stand around the three point line. Could he be Ryan Anderson 2.0? Sure, but that’s not a

All very true, except for the contention that they lost the Rose trade. I think they won that pretty handily. Though they turned around and farted away that cap space on Wade and Rondo, so, you know, the general sentiment remains the same.

That’s an odd take. I’ll not argue with anyone for disliking a particular kind of music, because taste in that realm is pretty subjective, so labeling Steely Dan as crap doesn’t ruffle my feathers. But I don’t see how you can call their music “simple,” especially compared to most of their contemporaries. It’s

Yup. There are still some good sports writers on there (I like Bryan Curtis, Mark Titus, and Kevin O’Connor in particular), but the culture side is pretty abysmal compared with Grantland. They have no one close to the level of Alex Papademas, Wesley Morris, Steven Hyden, etc..

In all fairness, the traffic fatality rate has gone WAY down since we were all kids.

Fuck you, pretty much.

This is terrible advice for reheating something like an eggroll, which you want to keep crispy. Maybe you could start that way to get the inside heated up without drying out and then finish off in the toaster oven, but on its own that method is going to leave you with one soggy noodle. (Yes, I have put way, way too

Obviously a bad situation for the Cavs. Probably not as big a deal for most teams, who would have made the move earlier after the end of their season, which would not have stretched into June. But you’re absolutely right that Gilbert bungled this.

It’s 13 in men’s D1 baskbetball. Odd that baseball is less. Maybe just because it’s less of a revenue generator?

Probably because if you’re going to make a change, you want your drafting and FA deals done by the new guy, not the guy who is on the way out the door.

As others have said re: staying dry, if possible, ride in riding gear that you can change out of. This is obviously much more difficult if you lack access to a shower or locker room. If you really want good cycling rain gear, check out Showers Pass.

I counter that a Manhattan or Old Fashioned, or even a bourbon and ginger ale, are superior vehicles for non-neat, civilized bourbon consumption, but to each his own. Juleps are just too sweet for me to drink on any regular basis, i.e. outside of Derby day. And though the alcohol content is surely pro-level, the

Do you really drink mint juleps at non-Derby events? I did not realize people did that.

Like all the way Across the Universe?