Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

No, you were right. Dolan plays shitty blues, not shitty bluegrass. You edited based on faulty criticism.

Dolan defintley plays shitty blues music, not shitty bluegrass music.

Hmmm. Seems unclear. Maybe they should hold some sort of proceeding where evidence is presented on both sides of the issue and a nuetral decisionmaking body determines whether it was her declining performance or actual discrimination that led to her demotion. Then we’d have a better idea.

It’s true, though. Nothing of any real comedic value after the great Rockapella intro establishes the joke.

Are you saying that you do not distinguish between “tuna fish,” i.e. the unadulterated fish that comes in a can, and “tuna salad,” the blend of said fish with some sort of sauce (almost always mayo) and various vegetables to add flavor? Do you just not call anything tuna salad? Or do you have some other distinction? I

Can’t feel too sorry for that seal. If is a food chain, after all.

It’s almost certainly in their contract that they have to abide by the rules of the collective bargaining agreement (or whatever the equivalent terminology is in the NFL; I’m primarily familiar with the NBA). Your workplace can prohibit you from doing many things that are otherwise legal under state law as a condition

It’s not the underlying lesson of taking care of your things and respecting others’ that offends. Rather, it’s the ridiculously self-serious, condescending way that you go about indicating that you a a REAL MAN who teaches his children to RESPECT AUTHORITY and FOLLOW RULES, unlike all these namby-pamby’s out here just

I get it.

About how much less could you care? Enough to tamp down the condescending “responsible man” shtick to a level where others aren’t immediately revulsed by your pretension?

Hmmmm. I never thought to use my weed grinder for garlic. Intriguing.

I mean, you said that he has only one asset as a basketball player, athleticism, which is fading. That is not the description of a great player if you ask me. Though you correctly note that Blake’s world-class athleticism is largely a thing of the past, you really are underselling his ball-handling and playmaking

+1 Wooden Stick from Ovechkin

Far from an expert here, but I believe the idea that wearing a bra prevents or reduces sagging breasts later in life is a myth. The truth may, in fact, be the opposite, in that wearing a bra could weaken the breast tissue and increase sagging.

To add to this good analysis, another of the main reasons that they are inadmissible in court is that they have a reputation among the general public as being near infallible. Thus, the potential prejudice caused by that widely-held opinion outweighs any probative value that the tests might actually have. There are

Oddly, probably the best politicain West Virginia has had in a generation.

Interesting. I just responded to another commenter explaining why I didn’t think this law was unconstitutional, though inarguably stupid. Upon reading your comment, I think their could possibly be a due process argument if, and only if, the court deferred completely to the NCAA as to whether the party being sued’s

Not if it doesn’t fall into a tort currently recognized by the courts. The closest one I could think of would be intentional interference with a contract, i.e., inducing a player to violate the terms of their agreement with the university, which presumably includes compliance with NCAA rules, but that would be a real

I think your free speech analysis is a bit off. Obviously states can and do prohibit and/or make actionable certain financial transactions in ways that do not violate the first amendment. Like, it’s not unconstitutional for the state to prohibit me from giving money to a drug dealer or prostitute for good/services

If you carried over the out to the next inning for the defense, wouldn’t you also have to carry over any stranded base runners for the offense? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say. (I know that aphorism isn’t really applicable here, but I like it and it’s my comment so I’ll do what I want,