Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

I think the criticism is warranted to a degree. Obviously the front office bears a great deal of the blame for failing to put better offensive players around RW, but it’s important to remember that he displayed many of the same “selfish”* decisionmaking tendencies when playing alongside one of the best scorers the

Ignoring all of the moral/existential benefits of knowing that your government is not causing widespread death and suffering to mostly innocent people, it still comes down to a matter of allocation of resources. Your government spends a very large portion of its budget on military spending that does not help you (and

Fear-filled voices such as yours are essential for the sale of war by the few that benefit to the many that do not.

Sure you might get a bit of ball cover in your gratin, but the skins games are unparalleled. 

It may have been ambiguous if the second “does not” was not inserted before “serve as an officer,” i.e., if the rule said that you can be in compliance if you do not own more than 5% and serve as an officer. In that case you could reasonably read the prohibition as being against owing more than 5% and serving as an

Not a huge MLB fan and I was wondering why the name of a mediocre player from 20 years ago was ringing such a bell. Thanks for reminding me why.

Gotta love Cation. Always keeps it positive.

I believe they usually just shorten it to UGA.

I think they actually get the same number of ping pong balls. This only applies if neither gets one of the top three picks through the lottery process, after which the draft proceeds in order of fewest wins.

Because only the first three picks are selected by the lottery; the rest proceeds in order of fewest wins. This tie breaker only applies if neither the wolves nor Knicks win one of the first three picks in the lottery.

I’m confused. Why are you worried about the rain on your clean car? Does it make spots? Admittedly, I’m not much of a car washer and actually usually let the rain do the washing for me, so please educate me.

Was it a full read head or just the top and back of the head? If the latter, then you’ve got red-bellied woodpekers, which are more common, particularly at feeders.

It’s called suet and it works best if you put it in a hanging suet feeder. Get you one of these little guys and watch the peckers roll in:

The principal industry in WV is, and has been for a very long time, tourism. The state could support itself by protecting the natural beauty that draws in millions of visitors every year from the ravages of the fossil fuel industry, which you seem to see as the only thing of value in WV. It’s never going to be a big

I live in southeast WV and this bothers me so much. Every time I see the old stars and bars, I just want to scream, “Go the fuck back to Virginia, traitor.” In WV, there is no argument about displaying “southern pride” or any of that other bullshit that people from former Confederate states like to spout. The only

Really? Pretty sure the Raps didn’t tank this year. (Sorry.)

If you eat even a minimal amount of processed foods or dine out semi-regularly, you are almost certainly getting enough iodized salt to meet your iodine needs. While we do need it, we need a tiny bit. I think I remember reading that the amount of iodine in iodized salt was based off meeting the nutritional needs of

Hate to be that guy, but “benefactor  beneficiary.”

Tossing an LED frisbee at night can provide hours and hours of entertainment. It’s quite a feeling seeing a beam of light shoot from your hand and remain visible all the way to your friend’s hand. Actually makes their promotion materials accurate:

I highly recommend the “start drinking once you stop peaking” approach, especially with LSD. I always found that putting down ~6 light beers over the last couple hours of the trip made the come down much more gentle. Otherwise, that is my least favorite part of the whole thing, laying there not really tripping but