
Many newspapers were quite happy to print rumors rather than actually sticking to the truth. So what you’ve got then was this sudden thought—Oh heavens, there’s this terrible outbreak of poison murder. And it probably wasn’t any worse than it ever had been before, but it was just more widespread. And people became

brains arent going to wash themselves.

The RPF isn’t alleged; $cientology admits that a “discipline program” exists for the Slave Org. Check out He’s been covering this case since it was filed - seven long years ago.

The “theology” of Scientology is that children are just adult souls (excuse me: Thetans) in small bodies. They have a long history of treating kids like small-statured adults. Putting them to work at 12 is just the tip of the iceberg.

No. In order for a contract to be enforced legally, one must first be able to consent. A 12-year-old can’t enforce it legally.

can a billion year contract even be enforced at all?

Many Sea Org members report marrying young. It comes with some privileges - like a private room for the couple. Plus, with the near constant interrogation of individual members, marriage doesn’t really increase the chance they’ll escape, only the chance someone super close to them will rat them out if they step out of

This sounds depressingly common. In the “Going Clear” documentary (which was awesome and really deserved an Oscar nom, gee I wonder why it wasn't nominated) a woman had the exact same experience and implied that she was hardly the only one who went through that.

Not really, it’s never been about the value of the fetus, only used as a measure to control women. Forced birth and forced abortion are both equally vile and come from the exact same place of women being 2nd class citizens.

As someone who has followed the Cult of $cientology for a long time, I find none of this in the least surprising or unbelievable. A woman I met on the train years ago told me that as she was escaping, officials at the Sea Org claimed that she owed them $217,000, even though she had worked for the cult 80 hours a week

It’s coming. Until recently, it was protected as a religion, but that status was revoked this March.

She swallowed bleach to get away, I would say that was less "convince" leaders you are suicidal, and more "willing to risk dying to get away" How is there nothing the police/FBI/whoever deals with cults can do?

A trial date hasn’t been set. Bert Deixler, an attorney for the Church, told OC Weekly the suit was wrongly involving civil courts in the internal affairs of a religious organization.

I think intuitively people sort of assume that the uterus, like, gives up the ghost at menopause, when actually it seems to be that it works perfectly well when it’s returned to the premenopausal hormonal environment.

Yikes, I had assumed this one was a living donor as well. I hope they can get some living donated ones with work with. If it turns out that my ovaries have betrayed me, and my ute still works, I’d gladly donate it.

You still can! Just have them do the surgery in Sweden, they’ve had more success. You’ll pay off those student loans someday! (obv I have no idea of your student loan status, but I would sell my uterus to pay for mine.)

LOL welcome to kinja purgatory... I’m sure you’ll still be getting replies a week from now... sorry!

Obviously because she was healthy but likely also because she already had children and would thus be less likely to be devastated if it didn’t work.

They are adopted, she had no working uterus.