
She sucks but so did the definitely-not-lamented Gawker.

Favorite QOTSA factoid...Dean Ferita was in Reigndance with Andre from the Real World.

This is not good.

She didn’t say ‘come clean’ though, they added that. Come clean means admit.

The guy from Semisonic is a super successful songwriter now so he doesn't have to slog it out on the road. Just the royalties on Adele's 'Someone Like You' alone must be huge. And he's done a lot more than that.

That was excellent.

Who gives a fuck. Buffy is a garbage TV show not something to be taken seriously.

Yeah well they really wanted me to listen to Charly Bliss but I didn't do that either

Talented for sure…but genius? No. Not buying that.

There's no such word as wokest.

I don't need some youtube guy to tell me about Good Vibrations. I mean come on.

I like her but she comes off a little try-hard sometimes.

Le Tigre? I thought she was doing The Julie Ruin now.

Austin Powers should be on here.

I don't really follow TV at all so maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems like this article says Roseanne and Will and Grace are coming back. That's too stupid to be real.

Yeah I loved it too, it was really great. I was on it briefly which was the time he was a dick to me. Well I'm not sure if I was actually on it, maybe he dumped it out.

I used to listen to Dan Savage on the radio back when I lived in Seattle. That's a lot of years ago now but that was a fun show. On the other hand, he was a total dick the one time I met him. But on the other other hand, I probably deserved it.

Just like his good pal Sully.

Holy hell that Sheer Mag shit is awful.

Lunachicks - somewhere around 15-20 times. Not sure exactly.