Right. Waxahatchee. We get it already.
Right. Waxahatchee. We get it already.
Ivanka's got some toeverhang going there.
Sounds pretty good I guess but this person seems to get a lot of coverage here.
Original interview is still on NME.
100% set up.
I like it.
"So anyway, since this is 2017 and not 1977—or even 1997"
As if Haim and Nickleback don't exist in pretty much the same mainstream lameoverse.
He's talking about the KISS song, he feels it's the worst song on Rock and Roll Over, and that it wrecks the flow between 'Ladies Room' and 'Love 'Em and Leave 'Em'. Obviously.
Staten Island gave us David Johansen, that deserves love.
Nice song. I like it.
They're just not very good. This guys pushes them over and over, but they're just not very good.
They sound good but there's really no song there.
Very nice.
So why is Lionel Richie called PTO?
Nick Gilder - Hot Child in The City
77. Anyone with half a clue knows The Bends is better.
Face like a foot is a pretty good insult.
So this same dickhead who said he hates The Beatles is now trying to normalize horse eating. Fuck this guy and fuck this article.
Oh boy and here I thought I couldn't hate this dude more. That voice!