blpppt (Pat D.)

We really need to shitcan the submarine deal. 

If I were GIFTED a Tesla, I’d sell it and buy a Hyundai. 

6 months from now, I am 100% certain that there will be a used car dealership with a very new, very clean, very low mileage BMW at a too good to be true price. And I will be like this.

BMW can’t sell them. It’s too risky. They could be riddled with electrical problems. Why, the turn signals might not even work!

Homelander’s much more convincing as a real human being who could exist than Trump.

That approval rating stat concerns me greatly (greatly), but I choose to treat it more like a fun fact, or trivia question, than an indicator of things to come- for my own sake and sanity. These are different circumstances than in the 80s, and let’s just say there’s a lot of “firsts” going on right now...

I’ve had arguments with Robot_Jox before about much less impactful subjects and... yeah. This is pretty typical. Regardless of the good points either or both of you are making they are a fucking turd. It’s like three sentences of good point and then a sentence of needless insult, possibly followed by self-regard or a

Oh there’s no “might” about it, imo. The Democrats have to figure out something fast. I’m not gonna pretend to know how elections work to know if they even can substitute another candidate this late in the game but they have got to figure out some way to get Biden out of the hot seat. Last night was, I pray, a wake up

There’s a big difference between actively challenging an incumbent President and campaigning for the role after he steps down.

If Biden refuses to step down, you’re probably correct. No one is going to force the issue. And if he refuses to step down, there is a very serious chance he’s going to hand this election to

Not sure about that. If Biden is replaced then the field is open to DNC vote and the party is not going to vote in Harris at the convention.

In addition to being politically unaware, far too many people have really short memories.

Biden could have chosen to let a younger candidate run to take his place

It’s not a question of “doing Kamala”; it’s the fact that if the Dem nomination for the presidency suddenly becomes vacant, 4 million wannabes are going to throw their hat into the ring, with the Democratic convention only two months away. You thought the “Dems in disarray” stories were bad up until now?

I think they would try to pick someone who could win, and as unfair as it is I suspect there are enough people out there biased against a black woman that she’d have a harder time than another white man. The idea that a woman can’t cut it is sadly I think still prevalent among a lot of the older generation.

I understand your feelings here but Trump is a sociopath. He’s a killer. He will destroy us. Trump should have been locked up with all of the other insurrectionists in the Congress, Judiciary, The Republican Party and their allies.

Why is this so fucking hard for too many people to see?”

Because those were the stakes four years ago. We kicked Trump out of office, and it feels like very little has changed. Much of it is through little fault of Biden’s own. The Supreme Court has blocked popular policies like student loan relief and is gutting federal agencies. Congress is divided and doesn’t pass


Last night. That’s why it’s so hard for people to see. Also, a LOT OF PEOPLE want American democracy to be over. And they’re being less and less coy about it. Now that it’s being used more and more to serve people who aren’t them, they are done with it and want everything burned down. Because people, by and large, are

If Trump gets back in to the White House, American democracy is over.