blpppt (Pat D.)

Shouldn’t that be “TrumpGolf” ?

Fuck Biden and Garland too for being so inept that they couldn’t put him away or down in 3 years.

I’m so distraught at this constant onslaught of dimwitted numbskullery from nimrods like Cruz.
Al Franken once said of Ted Cruz:

He is not stupid. He believes his constituents are, correctly as they keep voting for him. 

I’m shocked he didn’t rename it “Golf of America”

I got $100 bucks that Cruz could not succinctly define what “neo-marxist class warfare propaganda” even means.

If Ted Cruz doesn’t like it when Americans do science, he can flee to Cancun again.

So basically, we’re prone to stupid shit that makes the rest of the world roll their eyes. 

Eh, that was a tongue in cheek sort of thing, really.  This is considerably more fucked up.

I notice there have been a lot more school shootings in the Gulf since the name change.

I’ve met Ted Cruz in person. He’s even less likeable in person than he seems on TV.

So if self-driving cars are woke, isn’t that going to be a problem for President Musk’s current (and fleeting, and drug-addled) focus on robotaxis? I kind of don’t know who to root for in a Cruz v. Musk fight. Team Asteroid?

I don’t think Subaru drivers are distracted by the dogs in the cars.

Kind of crazy that Pontiac is #1 for DUI when there aren’t even very many of them left

Sad white folks bitching about the halftime show, but just totally ignoring the savage murder of the Chiefs on live tv

JFC.  Was Johnson trying to win a most cringe comment contest?  

MAGA freaks are losing their minds over that show:

These people will only be happy if it’s Creed playing again.