
I wouldnt eat a pile of shit either. No matter my dietary restrictions.

I still think PS+ subscribers who own the original game disc should be able to stream their PS1/2/3 games to their PS4s with no additional cost.

Or i could just play game son my console and not worry about shitty devs , compatibility issues and optimization, with most being crippled by DRM.

Only games on pc i will play are things like Automation.

Shit like this is why is part of the reason i stopped PC gaming.


This message has become unnecessary to me. This one in particular seems like it's really trying too hard

I play mine at home when the tv is occupied. Or on campus in between classes (I go to community college and a butt load of people have 3dses. And a few have vitas.) Or when I want to play a game that is only on a handheld. I don’t really distinguish my handheld/console usage. You don’t need to be a child or someone

Or playing a handheld at work when you’re on break, you know. Or when you’re at a hotel at the end of the day. Or just feel like lying down.

Nope. This just shows some of these sites let anyone fucking review a game. If you don’t know what you’re doing, find something else to do.

Gonna take forever to get the cheetos dust out of them cracks