
I wouldnt eat a pile of shit either. No matter my dietary restrictions.

Important in what sense? They are the only ones calling attention to their specific team and gender issues. You might as well add that no animals were harmed and that they work in a solar paneled building. The entire message is unnecessary and self righteous.

Look into the story of why the soundtrack is different. I’ve found a few articles that make it pretty interesting. Needless to say the PS4/Vita soundtrack is pretty garbage compared to the old one and people are not happy.

Sounds like you hate life and want others to hate it too.

For real. It’s not like it was a game 7 or anything. “Oh honey you were just a baby and I brought you to “random playoff game”” and you got hit with beer. And its loud AF at games. Babies with soft heads getting smushed by foul balls and bats flying into the crowd. That baby deserved it. It knew what it was getting

Dude is running across the maps. Not walking. big difference.

Gonna take forever to get the cheetos dust out of them cracks

Nope. I dont smoke.

No. This is my PS3 and I am not a smoker. I do have a dog and think probably a lot of that gunk is pet dander. The system was kept on a glass shelf at all times and not on a carpet.