blouse and skirt

I'm 53 days sober today after years of pain pill abuse, and after a stint in rehab this summer, just want to cry for him. Addiction. Fucking. Sucks. Nobody sets out to become an addict, and ... the guilt and shame I'm feeling now, seeing the mess I've made... ugh. This is their family issue, and I hope he can TCB soon

Given the expense of coin-op laundry, bedding is my absolute lowest priority.

I'm a single lady who wishes I could be as motivated as the single ladies in the study.

Uhhhhh.... Uhhhh... I can't remember the last time I washed my sheets.

Is anyone else having trouble getting through the faqs because they are emphasizing in their head every word in quotations? Ugh, it took forever!

I never had anyone with the balls to tell me I was a 'good kind' of any race. One thing that I DO feel a little weird about is that I know I benefit wildly from white privilege, but I don't self-identify as a white person and never have. I don't exactly know what to do about that, but I think about it.

I'm mixed, my folks are mixed. Listen to me when I say, it's gonna be ok. It will be hard for you and your hypothetical children, but not as hard as it is for me, and not as hard as it was for my folks, or theirs.

I am not easily identifiable as any particular race. Rather than uniform rejection, I generally find uniform acceptance. People of color will readily bitch about white people with me, white people usually assume I am white (and when I was younger and got to be less choosy about who I was around, would complain about

I know people joke a lot about going to bake, quitting halfway and eating all the batter but tonight I didn't make it past the "getting the ingredients out" step and just ate some spoonfuls of brown sugar straight out of the bag before calling it quits.

I just cry-ate a cupcake while drinking moscato. Stop watching me in my living room.

As someone who spent some 30 years as severely (and multi faceted!) eating disordered, while i was very ill both mentally and physically at times, i still moved through the world as a "thin" person and as such, was afforded more privilege than my "not considered thin" sisters. The mix of "oh my gawd you are sooooooo

Lifelong skinny woman here.

In my opinion, "Thin-shaming" falls under the same category as misandry and reverse-racism. It's not to say that it doesn't happen or that it doesn't exist, but what people need to realize is that when you come from the perspective of the privileged class, there's a huge difference in (pardon the pun) weight being

This reminds me of when white people say stupid shit like "why isn't there a white history month" or "why can't there be white pride parades" or talk about that one time a poc was mean to them. Just another example of ignoring your privilege.

I think he may be on to something? More so for the ageism than the sexism, anyway, as I think it's also pretty sexist and ageist against women that the only way a female can be a meteorologist is if she's young and pretty. But yeah, if the guy is super qualified and didn't even get an interview and the person hired

My family is West Indian (Caribbean). Traditionally people live with their parents until marriage. I have a cousin who is 33 and married and still lives with her mom. Although my mom did buck the trend and bought her own house by the age of 24. Personally I have no clue if I'll live with my mom after college. It all


I go through phases where I'll say I'm going to be a real grown up and stop buying clothes at forever 21 that often look cheap and always fall apart/get all pilly/torn after 1 or 2 wearings. And I'll buy fewer things from places like J.crew and Madewell instead.