
In the past 4 months I played Just Cause 3, Hitman, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Watch Dogs 2 and now Dishonored 2. I’ve seen that message pop up about 4 times! Extremely annoying! Especially when it says there is enough space but still won’t let you download it.

Hows this gonna work when most people have the shittiest internet ever? (Myself included....damn TWC...oh im sorry, “Spectrum”)

This does not surprise me in the least and in my opinion people get what they deserve. We’re still dealing with people here yet the entitlement and rage some players express over a game is unbelievable. You can have strong feelings over what you think the game needs but that doesn’t mean having to insult and harass

Back in high school me and a group of friends would play Call of Duty online with headsets and we’d have a blast, yelling and joking and just messing around. Now we’re all older and adults and responsibilities and blablabla and some don’t play much at all anymore.

I’m actually playing through the game now and thought the finishers were cool the first few times but it gets old fast considering how often you knock people out. Still enjoying the game though!

I played a couple rounds and enjoyed it...guess I’m in the minority! Having to reload made things pretty exciting in my opinion. Maybe people have to high expectations for a mode thats just supposed to be random, fun and lighthearted?

The whole Mei legendary skin thing is a bummer. Also found it weird that the whole

Well now I guess I’ll be checking this out too! I loved the Commandos games and actually recently bought them on sale on GoG but I always find it a bit hard to go back to old fashioned games so I havent played them much. This will likely do very well as a replacement! Though they may have to wait....

We’ve used the Earth Rated Dog Waste Bags With Easy Tie Handles for cat poop and like them. The ones advertised here seem to be a bit too big for our needs though, then again, if I wait a bit too long my 2 cats leave quite a lot to clean up and a slightly bigger bag wouldn’t hurt. I may get these to try, hard to beat

We’ve used the Earth Rated Dog Waste Bags With Easy Tie Handles for cat poop and like them. The ones advertised here

Any chance of getting Banjo Kazooie on there? Don’t have an xbox but would buy it immediately if it came out for the Switch!

I just wanted to recommend this post because it has been way too long since I’ve seen “could’ve” written as opposed to “could of.” Thank you so much!

I got one of these on black friday and must say they’re pretty cool! Smaller than my previous small wallet but still pretty convenient!

I got one of these on black friday and must say they’re pretty cool! Smaller than my previous small wallet but still

Just for the record, any time any company is sued, that company’s’ first response will pretty much always be to deny absolutely everything, even if its something absolutely obvious like “this product with your name on it is yours.” At most they’ll admit their company is located where the complaint said it was,

I had the same thought. Aren’t the pokemon from the final battle the first time around close to level 65?

Thanks! That’s a good size, glad they let you build something that big though I assume there’s a bit of a grind for materials too.

Does anyone know if the pictured bases are possible without modifying the game files? I read something about limits to how many slots your base can have. Not sure if that affects how big you can make your base.

I have too many other things to play for now but maybe with the next big NMS update I’ll come back and give

Maybe Twitter should die. As much as it would inconvenience many, it would be for the greater good. Then all Trump could do is shout his craziness while standing on a soap box in front of Trump tower and we’d ignore him like all the others in the city.

As long as they don’t mix consoles and PCs at least.

Maybe if more NPCs had more interesting things to say than: “you can heal your pokemon here!” or “I work out a lot, here, use this! Receive TM Work Up”. Though sometimes the random comments are funny at least.

Funny how I never thought of it myself but just by reading the title and you mentioning the poke pelago guy’s name I was like oh, it’s Lillie’s dad! Guess I wasn’t paying too much attention to his name and just assumed it was an unrelated side thing. This game definitely went all out with the sheer amount of small

Living in NYC I’ve been wondering about the bubble I live in a lot recently. Hard to really understand how the rest of the country lives and thinks when surrounded by so many like minded people. Better education all around would go a long way to even things out though.