
Not to take away from your victory but while your training obviously helps, I think your expertise goes way beyond the bare minimum an individual needs to be able to look at these fake stories and think hmm maybe this is just clickbait and not actually a legitimate news report? Isn’t source/fact checking part of most

Yeah the DS4 cops thing is very noticeable and fun! I don’t always notice the subtle changes it makes in other games but more than I notice the keyboard on PC. IMO the keyboard lights are mostly for when I’m not using my computer or just casually browsing. Mostly just cool decoration.

Not sure about GTA 5 but Razer does have special lighting schemes for certain games. For example, in Overwatch the keys change color based on the selected hero, ability keys are highlighted, and a couple other things. It does look pretty cool but personally I don’t really look at my keyboard while I’m playing so it

No worries, not the first time I got a response to a few months’ old comment! Having just learned that you can’t delete Kinja comments or accounts I expect it’ll happen again sometime.

Your points were generally valid, just not relevant to my initial 9 month old comment. Your points have been made, discussed, responded to and assimilated. The reason I didn’t put much thought into your response is because a review of the complete thread would have already addressed your concerns.

I like what you said

Your response is just general outrage and doesn’t even address my comments directly:

Starting to feel like the price drops on a weekly basis! And tempts me every time it comes up....

Starting to feel like the price drops on a weekly basis! And tempts me every time it comes up....

Probably! Not unexpected when we have idiots crashing and injuring themselves all over the place while playing and then blaming it on the game instead of blaming themselves.

As a products liability lawyer I assure you that for any product that has injured someone, most of the time it’s because of the stupidity of the user. And yet, lawsuits are filed and monies are paid and then the manufacturer is expected to warn against all eventualities. Ridiculous but that’s how it is. Seems apps

A Wall Street Journal analyst (I think) mentioned that we wouldn’t hear more about the Switch until 2017. If true, Nintendo is really keeping a tight lid on things. I hope they give themselves enough to properly market it!

How powerful can it be if its a home console squeezed into a tablet and with a (i’m assuming and

Had to remember what this was all about, it’s been a while!

I too would have expected Eve: Valkyrie to be the top contender for making people nauseous. I tried a demo of this myself and did not feel great for a while afterwards (which sucks because it was an amazing demo).

Obligatory “I have no friends” comment!

Good for Sega for doing this. As long as the fan made content creators aren’t making money off of it I see no issue with it whatsoever. This only increases interest in the product and will allow more people to become fans of the blue hedgehog.

Is it worth it? I’ve been curious about smartwatches but would prefer to have one I canuse android pay with since I feel like that would be one of the biggest benefits (though this doesn’t exist yet I think). The Moto 360 seems like a good choice to test the waters but I’m on the fence....

Is it worth it? I’ve been curious about smartwatches but would prefer to have one I canuse android pay with since I

Didn’t they say you would get Munchlax and the Z stone for buying the games “early” and then added that “early” meant you had until like the end of 2017? At the very least I’m pretty sure they didn’t say it was a pre-order bonus. Might have been mentioned in the Nintendo Direct.

Hey you’re just like me! Warlock is literally the only class I simply can’t get into, even if it sounds cool on paper!

*reads article while doing doc review for insurance coverage litigation*

Did I miss the comment or is no one giving Jason props/shit for the first planets name? Perfect way to wrap up that story!

The whole lures thing is interesting. I have two pokestops right under my place and if I put lures there, almost everything that pops up is shit. If I actually go outside and walk to the small nearby park, there are 2 lures there that get me all sorts of rare stuff. Last night I got Dratini, Mankey, Vulpix, Shellder