
Base Stadia is free for 1080p gaming. You pay for 4k + HDR and access to a selection of free games every month.

You can play Stadia on your phone, on a web browser, or on a TV with a chromecast Ultra. You can use any compatible controller, doesn’t have to be theirs. 

Give it a shot! The Stadia site should have a place to test if your internet speed is enough. Also, you can play Pac Man for free this weekend to test it out, otherwise maybe ask around on the Stadia subreddit for an invite code for a free month of premium which would include some free games.  

Stadia is free and you only pay if you want 4k + HDR. Works great for me personally, but I live in an area with good internet and no data caps. Also it’s been out for over a year now and has many plans for expansion as well as exclusive games for development. You may have also heard its the best option for playing

Personally I think digital-only consoles work well for the “Patient Gamers”. Rarely buy games day 1 and expect a nice discounted version about a year later.

That being said, and the following not being applicable to Nintendo, I’m not sure why you say digital games rarely go on sale. While I agree many games usuallly st


Who hurt you? 

Certainly true, and I always do enjoy and learn from the long form reports or articles posted on Kotaku, like article about Activision Blizzard or the report in developer crunch.

What’s the issue here exactly? Just that they didn’t tell us from day one that they founded a company to develop the new Bioshock? Do we need to know this? 

Apparently unpopular opinion: I’m looking forward to Stadia!

Thought I read somewhere that Android 10 was required?

My understanding is no, Wi-Fi only. So far the wi-fi at work and a coffee shop was not good enough for remote play. Shame...

That’s probably the one I’ll go for next too. We’ll see!

What the heck is an “enhanced USB connection” supposed to be? Sounds like gold-plated HDMI cables to me.

Also, nothing about better joysticks? Mine keep getting deformed and look like they’re melting. Some residue always keeps rubbing off too. I’ve melted 2 pairs already....never had this issue with the default

Same, I’d consider it if it were like the PS4 controller.

Mechs were horrible, plain and simple. Maybe make a separate mode just for them but otherwise, terrible idea.

I don't think keeping the spoiler out of the title is too much to ask

Bold of you to assume that any of those gun-humpers travel outside of the US, let alone their own state. 

You get a short preview of the stream before you’re locked out if its subscribers only.

When I know one of my games has an update out and im not home, I’ll go to the PS STORE on my phone and add something free to the download list, like a free theme or something. That usually wakes my playstation up and makes it check for updates to my games. Works every time for fortnite

Considering I have a pixel 3 XL and before that had a nexus 6p, and that this service only works with Google services for now, I’m still waiting for someone to explain how this differs from what I’ve been using as 2fa up until now. While I do have the app with the codes as a sort of backup, I always get a prompt on my