Pipsqueak Vegemite Eater

Me too! In my country, they were only ‘acceptable’ to listen to for about 3 weeks when ‘Hanging Tough’ hit the charts. And my family were bogan (aka slightly redneck) so they all gave me hell :) But I was a badly bullied kid, there was trouble at home, and I was 13 and lost. I had all the albums and a few posters

Fair enough! We all have our own opinions. I, for one, think people look ridiculous in slacks - especially tan ones! - but in general it’s only American tourists who wear them, so NBD. 

Not getting salty at you, but leggings are nothing at all like sweatpants. You can team plain, nice leggings with a nice top and jewelry and look business casual; sweatpants are never anything but just casual.

You wouldn’t if you were fat. If a thin actor in a fat suit is OK, then surely so if having a cis woman play a trans woman, or an actor use blackface. I bet you don’t feel those examples are ‘misplaced outrage’. Why is it OK for some groups to be played authentically and some not? Believe it or not, we fat people are

*Thanks you!* Wearing a fat suit is like having a white character use dark makeup to play another race. It’s not on.

Fat suits are essentially the same as blackface. There are plenty of us fat actors out here; why get a thin person to cos-play one of us? Every bloody day we hear that a) there are so many - too many - of us, and b) we’re awful, horrible human beings who are ruining the world and everything in it. And yet we’re almost

I’ve read the whole speech (Kiwi here). Some of these types of guns (as I understood it, I’m not a hunter or a farmer so I don’t really know guns) will be allowed to be owned by civilians but their use and their ownership will be very, very strictly controlled. So it isn’t quite a blanket ban. Close enough, though. 

Bullshit. he was taken alive because this is New Zealand, not the USA, and our police aren’t jackbooted thugs with itchy trigger fingers. Besides, do we want this fucker dead? I don’t. I want him humiliated and shamed and then put in gen-pop. 

Being a mother is just like being a woman: whatever you’re doing, it’s *wrong*. That’s what it boils down to. And the sad part is that in both spheres it’s usually other mums doing the judging. Why do we do this to each other? The real tragedy is that it means we’re all concentrating on ourselves purely as mothers,

TBH (and I haven’t seen these videos) my 8 year olds and 14 year olds would find this hilarious (me throwing cheese at them). So - meh. 

Yeeeaaaah, I dunno. I understand what you’re saying and I agree on one level, but on the other hand if someone has organised a wedding that requires international travel that’s a very big hint to me that they really don’t want too many (any?) people there. Certainly they shouldn’t expect attendance. 

I just said it; ‘the pill’ was what 90% of women used for a long time, and now it’s more like 70-80%, so yes, it has become a common term (just like people ask for ‘selloptape’ rather than sticky tape, or ‘glad wrap’ rather than plastic wrap.) I mean honestly, how many women do you know use anything else? 

And the OP’s incident didn’t happen yesterday.

You’re overthinking this. It’s a bit of a generation and location thing, but all my life (I’m in my early 40's) ‘the pill’ has been used in conversation as a default for ‘a form of contraception’, simply because it’s the most commonly used by far. Guy was just asking if she was using birth control too; smart guy,

It’s because we women aren’t ‘people’. I guarantee you that if at least one of his violent episodes had victimised a white man, the FBI would have taken him more seriously.

Holy Shit that’s insane!

I don’t know what an ‘OB’ tampon is but yes, fellow Kiwi here, and applicators are insane. They make the whole process so much more difficult! 

As someone from a different country - one without gun issues - I can’t help but be a little gobsmacked at what Americans are willing to accept. Is having your own gun really worth the flipside; teachers prepping to one day face an armed assailant *at school*? How does anyone look at this kind of thing, look at their

Which is hilarious because, to lefties (where I live anyway, as a fat left leaning person) being fat is also a sin; in fact, one of the worst you can commit (even worse than using a plastic bag). It amazes and saddens me how much those two groups have in common.

You know the thing that really gets me about these anti-vaxxers? Where I come from at least, these are the kind of people who gave me shit for refusing to give my kids skim milk. These are the white, middle class, well off arseholes who believe that ‘good’ nutrition will protect them against disease because they have