so, we’re changing the name of this blog from The Slot to The Slit?
so, we’re changing the name of this blog from The Slot to The Slit?
those things are like Mexican food - there’s only three or four actual ingredients, and they just remix them and give them different names. taco, burrito, enchilada, chimichanga, blah blah blah - burrito, rice, beans, cheese, and some red sauce.
Only if they swear to this:
(more or less) “low weight bike, torque, slippery surface...”
is it as uncomfortable as it looks?
grandma Clinton - because its her turn. as if.
they SHOULD be. the West and its satellites are at war with Russia. one big weapon in that war is the price of a barrel of oil. Russia uses oil money to finance its army and when oil is cheap they can't make as many submarines and jets and AK's.
inadvertently breaks GWR for “Longest Ice Ass-Slide”
hrm - compares to a VMAX how?
Nope. Pull a gun, go to jail. Period. That driver committed a straight up felony. This video needs to go to The Man. It's the only way to be sure.
I grew up in Los Angeles in the ‘60's and ‘70's.
So, black then? Also, I note that in some motorcycle ads there are actual people, riding the bikes, often Harley ads...not so much. When there ARE people, they are always posing. I have had/ridden Harleys, and even had "fun" once in a while. But I always got rid of them for lack of it. Note the presence…
fuck this thing and fuck you for recommending it. really? easier texting while driving? satan.
fuck this thing and fuck you for recommending it. really? easier texting while driving? satan.
Expletives deleted.
TO my mind there are two ways to test gear. One is to gather lots of real world data. Hard to do. The other is to dress an actual crash test dummy in the gear and toss him out of a pickup truck at 110 mph on I-5. Much more fun, and you can have the gopro ready. ANy chance of that?
it's football, which is like the reality tv of reality tv. it doesn't matter.