When the hell are we gonna get tires in something other than black?
When the hell are we gonna get tires in something other than black?
Does is haul ginormous ass like a Boss?!?!
“Normal” is a statistical statement. It does not imply any value, only a relationship. “Normal” is unhealthy in the US. Corn syrup in sweet drinks is the primary culprit, followed closely by hormones and antibiotics in meat products. That most bodies, men and women, in the US are fat is not a good thing. Sucks to have…
there is good white music.
“Dung-y"? Is that how Wheaties (tm) taste? GMO wheat: FTW.
There are no laws against riding with a toothbrush in your mouth. Do we need one?
Asian girls are boring.
redundant snark is redundant. yeah. this. fek.
“automakers aren’t necessarily making electric cars that people actually want, not because the cars are electric, but because they’re just bland, boring cars, and you have a typical automotive industry problem. But if you decide to make an electric car that people do actually want, like Tesla, you’ll see that there’s…
schadenfreude. sha-den-froid-uh. when you LOOOOOVE seeing some rich, self-important banker-dude's car go up in flames, in front of his trophy wife, on his birthday.
Thanks for the info. This is part of the problem: “cause they don’t want to lose new car sales.” Nissan can sort of jerk us around at their whim because we have no capacity to be independent from them when we buy into these vehicles and their proprietary technology. Maybe some aftermarket company will make a 50kWh…
My Nissan Leaf warranty only protects me against the battery’s loss of “power” output, which is essentially a measure of the rate at which the battery can be discharged, and not against loss of capacity, which translates to useful range. Unless Zero has something remarkably better than Nissan as far as battery…
1. Cost of replacement battery pack.