
the supercharger seems gimmicky and complexity for its own sake. I mean - I had a 2005 636 that was a freak-show hotrod. It was faster than any street riding could ever call for. Of course the big engine bikes had more HP, but they could not really use it to advantage on any kind of "fun" road. And a lightweight i4

I see the Can AM as having all the hassle and risk of motorcycling and none of the fun. To my mind, the answer is 4-wheels and not 3. When they put street tires and a rear-differential (hint: ratcheting hubs) on a quad like a Honda TRX-450R or Yamaha Raptor 700 then they have a true crossover vehicle and an entire new

...and you can park a Grom anywhere you can stick a bicycle. FTW!

When a culture experiences the arthritic pains and muscle spasms of its decline and begins to see the writing on the wall, when it slumps down onto the Craft-matic adjustable bed of dementia and dissolution, it looks nostalgically into the rearview mirror at an imagined past of freedom, youth, and vigor. The Old Man

In Bombay.

Triumph makes (functionally, if not apparently) a Harley Davidson Sportster XR1200?

When Yamaha extracts their head from their collective butts and puts the FZ09 motor into an R6 frame and names it the RZ09.......................(keep thinking about it).............................(a little bit more)...........................THERE ya go!

They will make a "Sport" version and it will be called the Kwid-s. No...check that: s-Kwid it shall be.

Every time I get off my Ninja 250R I am AMAZED at the power of my Ninja 650R. It's a neat, inexpensive horsepower "upgrade."

"Controlling emissions". It's got a V-Bud in it.

because you can plonk motobot down onto ANY bike and it can ride it better than you. if not today, tomorrow. and then it can drive any car or pilot any plane or industrial machine (trash truck, ice cream truck, your computer at your desk, whatever). We.Are.Fucked. We need to find these robot-building assholes and

liquid. they can pump liquid around inside the shell to transfer weight with perfect precision and timing. this is how they balance a submarine. it is mature technology. all that remains is for someone to DO it.

Accelerometers. The Navy has a thing called “Ring Laser Gyro”. This thing feels acceleration in infinite axes by the displacement of a light/laser relative to absolute space (the aether) by measuring the frequency change in a beam as it accelerates. The degree of accuracy/sensitivity is essentially limitless. It is

Oh - and this: how soon until we can buy one of these things and ride our bikes with an XBOX controller from our living room sofa? Anyone recall the fat, lazy humans in hover chairs from the movie Wall-e?

There is now no distinction between rider and bike. There is no reason to think of them as separate entities. As of this moment our motorcycles _could_ simply be taking us for a ride and allowing us to work the controls like dad teaching a kid to drive the truck by sitting in his lap and turning the wheel. This is a

Sadly though, the real WMD’s are these:

We used to play this chicken game with the Russians back in the ‘80’s. We were careful to turn off radars and to aim weapons down to the deck to preclude any excuse for a “misunderstanding” and I thought both sides, at least the men on the ships if not the men back at headquarters, pretty-well understood the game. I

It comes with WD-55 air conditioning, same as my 1977 Beetle.

My high school ride. Mobetta.