
“Freedom of navigation mission” = Provocation. That you know about this “mission” means you are supposed to know which means you are the target of this mission. It is a PR mission and you are serving your part in the ForeverWar. How does it feel to be on active duty?

its “entertainment”. no different from watching The Simpsons. Relax and go do something else.

even better idea - to custom fit a helmet you make the liner out of a binary compound that, when exposed to air, is soft for about an hour. So you open the sealed container and slip the liner into the helmet shell, which you have purchased separately. Then you simply put the helmet on and go for a ride for a few

Bell needs to get the scanners into local shops like Cycle Gear and then upload the scan to Bell from there. Even if it costs $39.99 to get scanned, you can get a custom helmet for the rest of your life from that one scan and so it might be worth it.

ECE standard helmets allow for more soft crush than SNELL. I had written-off Bell helmets long ago for thinking that they had fallen into the “novelty” category or were simply bought by some ghostly Chinese corporation who was selling plastic helmet-shaped hats. This is exciting, but the price is murderous. No one is

Kitten plus Nazi - thread over.

why don’t rally car drivers use hands-free navigation systems in races?

it is morally and technically acceptable to smash the drivers side mirror of a car in which the driver is texting. this rule applies mostly to motorcycle riders.

"Fuck this guy, and fuck you if you think the rider deserved any part of this"

"Fuck this guy, and fuck you if you think the rider deserved any part of this"

“Fuck this guy, and fuck you if you think the rider deserved any part of this”

your body cannot perform the maneuver that dummy is making in an actual crash because there is insufficient rom in the vehicle for the lower body to swing out like that and make the shoulder harness into a noose. Still - yikes. Welcome to Blade Runner. Wanna buy some eyes?

so you figured out the kidnapper van? and that's news? now tell us - why? LOL.

Instead of this white elephant jet, Canada could use a combat vehicle that actually might come in handy AND improve recruitment -

The last time the US actually NEEDED a fast fighter jet they proved useless. This is straight corporate gun-runner welfare, these things are. Canada is smart to avoid the money-pit.

Is everyone just writing off the ethical implications of continuing to drive one of the un-fixed TDI’s? I mean, it looks like state DMV’s are NOT going to go with mandatory fixes prior to re-registration, based on California’s statement in the NYT yesterday. And so since there will be no forced recall fix, then there

OMG it took me a long time to look away from that picture.

not washing my 1988 Volvo 240

I insist on the following: take the black box data from that landing and plug-in the auto-landing AI and see if it can do that.

attempted double homicide. prison. he'll care.