
I feel like most of what people like about Amy Schumer…is really Jesse Klein.

Have the gall to be be funny women.

Wait — wait. See — Howard has a $700 million endowment — and is blaming Obama?

Yeah, plus — segregation.

Yeah, it’s totally Obama’s fault that people can’t afford college. We should totally blame him for that, too.

Some of us have kids and can’t go to the movies.

Donald Trump wants all corrupt, corporate assholes to know that they can continue to hand over their money to him in a blatant attempt to maximize on the system of barely concealed legal bribery we have in this country.

Incompetent asshole? Maybe on his best day. Evil treasonous, racist mother fucker.

That’s great, but maybe they should have done their job before that fuckwit became president.

I just feel like banging my head against the wall. This asshole is only president because he spent eight years trashing his predecessor, a man who so surpasses Trump in class and intelligence that Trump shouldn’t even be allowed to wipe poop off his shoes, and yet that fuckhead feels like he can criticize the media,

If Christina from Parenthood were a year, she would be 2016.

Okay, if you watched and loved Parenthood, and don’t like this, I don’t understand your brain. Parenthood was terrible. I mean — Dax Sheppard and Lauren Graham and Ray Romano were awesome, and I have to admit that I watched the whole show because of them, but seriously? Christina was the worst fucking character I

Away from Her.

Me, too! Plus I have a crush on the guy who plays Randall, whose name I forgot. On The People Vs. OJ Simpson, he made Chris Darden seem HAWT. I forgot, when I saw the real guy, that he was….not...

Ugh. This is Us is roughly 900 million times better than Parenthood. That Christina character is the worst human being in the history of fiction. Most of the characters, actually, were terrible, and things happened that were needlessly melodramatic and heavy headed. If it weren’t for Lauren Graham and Ray Romano, that

Okay — maybe I’m a weirdo, but I don’t see what’s so troubling about what she said, at least not as reported. (that said, I probably would have left the flight too but I’m a wimp.)

It took Trump 10 days to have a fuck up bigger than Benghazi.

Hi, his dad was arrested at a klan rally and he hired a white supremacist as his chief advisor — can they not see that he probably has a sinister ulterior motive?

Also, I don’t know how many of you have had babies in the past few years, but when I birthed my schmoo, all of my pre-natal care was 100 percent covered and then my insurance benefits included an electric pump that fed my baby for nine months and helped me care for my baby while earning a living, albeit a shitty one.

This is a tax on women of reproductive age.